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Life&Style | JAN/FEB 2021
S ummer holidays are such a
special time of year to spend
with family, celebrate with
friends, recharge and reflect
on the year that was. I hope
you were able to make the
most of this special time.
Looking back at the year that was, it was filled with
so many achievements and milestones. Thyme
Moreton Bay opened its state-of-the-art Country
Club & Blue Gum Pavilion and we commenced
construction of the Clubhouse at The Anchorage. to officially open the luxurious Clubhouse at The
I was also lucky enough to personally welcome our Anchorage and open additional new facilities at
first homeowners to Thyme Hervey Bay just before Thyme Moreton Bay with more exciting news to be
Christmas. announced throughout the year.
As we start a New Year there is already so much to Our team are focused on providing architecturally
look forward to across each of our lifestyle resorts. designed homes that offer homeowners
At Thyme Evans Head we are set to welcome exceptional value in thriving socially connected
our very first homeowners and at Thyme Hervey communities. New home stages are now ready
Bay construction is scheduled to commence on for release with regular events scheduled to help
the world-class Clubhouse. We are also on track you experience what makes living in our lifestyle
resorts so special.
This summer I hope you take time to enjoy the
warm weather, get outdoors, go for a swim and
create new memories with friends & family.
Rob Nichols
CEO Serenitas
A warm welcome to
our first homeowners
at Thyme Hervey Bay
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