Page 31 - Thyme JanFeb 2022 Magazine
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The Christmas spirit was well and truly alive R Fortnightly coffee cart visits
at The Anchorage at the end of 2021. We had R Lawn Bowls Social in January
our Christmas Party, which was a lovely way to
celebrate the holiday season and get to know our
newest homeowners. Our streets were also lined NEW HOMEOWNERS
with homes proudly decorated and lit up helping Welcome to our new homeowners who are
everyone really get into the festive spirit!
already enjoying the bayside of life.
Another big highlight occurred in November for
me at The Anchorage with the turning of the
sod marking construction of the new Clubhouse.
Adrian Tantari, Member for Hervey Bay and
homeowners joined us
for this special occasion.
Everyone was genuinely
excited to see what the
new Clubhouse will look
like and the new facilities
on offer which includes a
20-metre magnesium pool
& spa.
John Andrews. John
The Anchorage
SALES UPDATE to be on the list, please contact
us on 1300 045 645.
What a fantastic end to the
year with a record number of If you’re in town over the summer
sales at The Anchorage. So period and considering moving
many exciting milestones have to this brilliant location, the time
been reached recently with the is now. Our sales centre is open Artist impression of new Clubhouse.
Clubhouse Sod Turning, opening 7 days and we are more than
of the new Sales & Information happy to take you on a tour of
Centre and welcoming of many this spectacular lifestyle resort.
new homeowners. Sandbar
Mark & Helen
Interest in The Anchorage FIRST LOOK
continues to increase with 3 2 2
all homes in Stage 1 & 2 now Large open-plan design enhances the
completely sold out. Our next functional and free-flowing spaces within this
stage will be released shortly as home. Entertain with family and friends in the
our team finalises the plans on a courtyard with large glass sliding doors that
range of impressive new home allow sunlight and breeze to flow through
designs. Pre-sale access will be the dining and kitchen area. This 3-bedroom
available to Expression of Interest home features a spacious master bedroom
holders first so if you would like Helen Neven & Mark Saunders. with ample space to move around freely.
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