Page 14 - Microsoft Word - proyecto transversal real_2do3
P. 14
Aprendiendo ingles
Sabemos que el estudio de inglés en los niños es muy importante
dejándole beneficios como el desarrollo del multitasking y mayor
empatía, y entre los de largo plazo tenemos mayores oportunidades
para ingresar a la universidad o mejores.
Por eso es que te presentamos los siguientes diálogos para medir tu
pronunciación en la lengua de inglés.
1er párrafo
What we learned was that the verb used is to refer to things
we did in the past, the name of the colors, how the verb used
is used in interrogative, positive and negative sentences,
and even to make a dialogue with the words learned. , from
there we saw what the verb was in the past in the affirmative, negative
and interrogative form, something important that I learned from there is
that when he did this in the verb it is in the present and when it is not it
is in the past
2do párrafo
Daymi, when she was a child, ate soup with pumpkins because her
mother told her that it was healthy and was good for her body, both
healthy and healthy. When Jhony leaves high school, he usually goes to
the fast food restaurant to order a hamburger and sit down to eat,
causing her to have problems with her weight lately. Marco Gael when
he leaves school he goes to the park to play volleyball and when he
finishes he goes to buy a soft drink to drink instead of
buying plain water
3er párrafo
What Daymi eats of course is healthy because the
soup helps us take advantage of micronutrients - vitamins and minerals
- it also helps us feel full, and thus reduces the possible intake of other
foods, what Jony eats is not healthy at all and can even cause the
accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries and increase the risk of heart
disease and cardiovascular accidents, what Marco Gael baby is not
healthy either because what he is ingesting contains a large amount of
sugars, causing him an infinity of diseases.