Page 16 - OASC June 2021 Newsletter
P. 16

OASC Summer Speakers
July 7 — Lori Zozzolotto, RN, BScN, NSWOC
August — TBD
- gatherings, depending
on how Covid restrictions evolve.
Stay Informed...
City of Barrie:
or call Service Barrie
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit:
Health Canada:
Ontario Ministry of Health:
Public Health Ontario:
World Health Organization:
Hazelnut Cake
You can make this hazelnut cake all in a food processor. Single recipe fits loaf pan. Double recipe for bundt pan—bake 30-40 minutes.
What you Need:
•1cuphazelnuts—grindinfood processor
•4eggs—addandwhip(risesbet- ter if you don’t use Omega 3 eggs)
Add next 3 ingredients and whip: •3/4cupsugar •2tblspflour(celiacs—usesoy
flour) •21/2tspbakingpowder
Warning: This rich cake is irresistible. Don’t expect leftovers.
Make it!
Grease and flour pan. Pour mixture into pan and swish spoon through once or twice to distribute evenly. Bake at 350F for 30-40 minutes, till it springs back. Allow to cool in pan for a while (15-30 minutes), then turn out. When completely cool, top with a sprinkle of icing sugar or whipped cream, chocolate whipped cream, or raspberry preserves — like Linzer torte. Mmmm.
Cheers ... Lucille
COOK HOUSE — Straight from Lucille’s Kitchen —

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