Page 5 - OASC June 2021 Newsletter
P. 5

4. How do kids keep connected after camp?
a) By texting, Instagram, SnapChat, etc.
b) We also hold Zoom calls every other month and get about 5-15 kids every time.
5. Any thoughts about having a camp here in Eastern Canada?
a) We started out trying to alternate camps but it proved so unmanageable—getting specialized programming for ostomates, organizing volunteers, etc. Once we found Camp Horizon, it was so purpose-built for children with disabilities, we couldn’t find anything comparable. Halifax chapter sends kids to Camp Brigadoon, but it doesn’t have NSWOCs and special programming and mentoring for youth ostomates.
This month’s Jeopardy was so tough, kudos to these 3 folks who each got 1 answer right:
Betty Sellery, Kathryn Stewart, Suzanne Posey.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Next meeting: Wed June 2, 2021. 7pm Zoom
Kate Noel Boutique

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