Page 33 - Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas X
P. 33
2. Possessive Pronouns
These pronouns indicate who owns (has) something. They are similar to possessive adjectives but are not followed
by the noun.
Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun
my mine
your yours
his his
her hers
its its
our ours
your yours
their theirs
a. Wanda ran with her friends round the field.
b. He hurts his hand.
c. I watched him fall down.
d. Then, he asked me for my help.
3. Reflexive Pronoun
A reflexive pronoun is a special kind of pronoun. It is used when the action done by the subject turns back
(reflects) upon the subject.
Personal Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun
I myself
you (singular) yourself
he himself
she herself
it itself
we ourselves
you (plural) yourselves
they themselves
A reflexive pronoun is used:
a. when the object of a sentence is the same as the subject
1) I hurt myself.
2) She bits herself.
Lesson I Hi, I’m Sandi 15