Page 13 - Bahasa Inggris Kelas V
P. 13

Play a Game: Simon Says

                                       Play a Game            If your teacher gives a command by saying Simon says, Show me your …!, you have to do it. If your
                                                              teacher gives a command without saying Simon says, don’t do anything and stand still!
                        Kegiatan bermain sambil belajar
                       yang melibatkan guru dan semua         Example:
                                              siswa.          Teacher   :  Simon says, “Show me your pencils!”
                                                              Students  :  [Show their pencils]
                                                              Teacher   :  Show me your books!
                                                              Students  :  [Stand still]
                                                              *    One who does a foul will be punished.

                              Evaluasi Diri dan Penilaian

                                                  Assess Yourself

                    After learning about What Is Your Name:
                                                                           Assess Yourself
                         I am confused     I am trying     I understand
                                                                           Sarana evaluasi diri bagi siswa untuk
                                                                           menilai pemahamannya terhadap
                     When I am confused/I am trying/I understand, I would like to:
                                                                           materi dari bab yang dipelajari.


                                                                     A.  Fill in the blank.
                           Sarana untuk mengetahui tingkat
                         pemahaman siswa terhadap materi
                             pelajaran dalam satu semester.           1.  He is my friend.    name is Toto.
                                                                      2.  She is my sister.    name is Yani.
                                                                      3.  I am a student.    name is Cahyo.
                                                                      4.  I am not short. I am   .
                                                                      5.  What is    name?
                                                                      6.  She is not thin. She is   .
                                                                      7.    is a whiteboard.

                                                                                        Kelengkapan Buku      xi
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