Page 21 - Bahasa Inggris Kelas VI
P. 21

Listen, read and repeat.

                  Rama  :   I’m Rama.
                            How do you do?
                  Linda  :   How do you do?
                            I’m Linda.

                  Rama  :   Where do you live, Linda?
                  Linda  :   I live in Jalan Diponegoro 15.
                            Where do you live?
                  Rama  :   I live in Jalan Kartini 9.
                            Do you have a phone number?
                  Linda  :   Yes, I do. It is 767889.

                  Rama  :   My phone number is 765423.
                  Linda  :   By the way, what is your hobby?
                  Rama  :   My hobby is doing sport.
                            And you? What do you like?
                  Linda  :   I like reading.
                  Rama  :   You are so friendly.
                  Linda  :   Thank you Rama.

                            You are also a nice person.

                                                                                Lesson I Describing Things    3
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