Page 31 - Zone Magazine Issue 006
P. 31

Whom do you like to team up with & which products and publications are you particularly proud of?
I’ve always been an individualist, but Frank Lorber has become a real good friend and colleague throughout the years. I really love to make music with him and he also had been booked to my anniversary party at Gibson in Frankfurt.
I was friends with Mark Spoon, too. You really could have a big party with him, but working with him was horrible, hehe. I enjoy thinking back to successful projects with Jam El Mar (Dance2Trance), Dr. Motte, Matthew Kramer etc.
A DJ-Gig stands and falls by musical programming and arrangement.
How do you proceed in search of new music for your DJ-sets?
I still like best walking into a record store and listen a stack of the latest vinyls. There I can hear - contrary to most of the online portals - the start and the end of the selected tracks and do not have only an unfavourable 60-seconds sample at my disposal.
There are not many more record stores, but in Frankfurt I love to visit “Freebase”, or the Record store of Andy Düx in Mainz. Especially before such an important gig like here at Nature One I sit down at home with my record collection and work on arrangement and chronological order of tracks and songs until everything fits perfectly and I’m satisfied by a hundred percent.
You’ve been a single father for 8 years. Does your daughter have a musical or artistic talent and music in her blood?
Since 2 years my daughter lives in Berlin, has settled well and is happy there. With her 17 years she is at an age of defining and trying out. Recently she has discovered techno parties for herself and has a try at being DJ. She is pretty good at writing and singing. We already did 2 music pieces together.
She will go her own way, whether as singer, DJ, model, I will support her! And I am very happy, because she’s here today at Nature One!
After Nature One first of all I’ll go to the USA for 3 months. I need a break. First I am going to visit some good friends in California, whom I know from my emigration. Afterwards I will wander with a canoe and a Winchester on the footsteps of Louise & Clark through Montana and Idaho towards Oregon. I won’t take along any mobile or laptop and sitting in my canoe in the daytime or at the camp fire in the evening, around me only sounds of wilderness such as chirp and whisper. I will give thought to haw my future should look like. But one thing is certain: I still have many things to say!
Connect: artist/dj-dag/151310
Words By Frank & Andreas Duffel Pics By Ernst Stratmann & Courtesy Of DJ Dag

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