Page 52 - Zone Magazine Issue 006
P. 52
Within seconds of entering the Gashouder, we were treated to the very last minutes of Speedy J's set and then Awakenings head honcho Rocco announced that Blawan was to come on.
The expectations were high with Blawan's tracks featuring in my sets quite highly and him straying from the norm with some unconventional techno that really twists up your head. And boy did he deliver. Some cuts from Surgeon, Regis and himself stood out immensely.
Rounding off the four day techno extravaganza and a very fitting closing set of ADE itself, came from the biggest surprise of all. A'n'D. I had heard of the also British based duo before and checked their tracks and sets, and enjoyed, but nothing prepared me for how fierce they were going to play. Keeping the roots of
techno firmly in place as to when I first discovered it in the late 90s, with driving BPMs, an onslaught of percussion and mixing up known anthems such as 'Polygon Window - Quoth', 'Millsart - Step To Enchantment' and Dave Clarke's mix of 'Hot In The Heels Of Love' by DJ Hell amidst newer cuts from Sleeperarchive, Truss and ending their encore on a phenomenal new track they made that day themselves lead to us leaving the Gashouder at 6 am with our minds totally blown to bits as to the sheer sonic onslaught we just heard! It's a toss up between A'n'D, Surgeon and Lady Starlight and James Ruskin for sets of the weekend here, all three rocked it!
As you can imagine, Monday was spent chilling out with a few beers before flying home (thankfully we were not delayed this time), and a quick record shop at my
favourite store there (Game Over). When you consider the 9 events in 4 days, and a radio show all completed in the short while we were there, we certainly made the most of our ADE experience and yet again will return next year.
Apologies to all of those I didn't catch up with, and a big shout must go to Darren Quail, Wouter, Coen Van Dongen, Ludovica Ludinatrice, Jonas Stone, Addy Penturo, Rob Chadwick, Dave Morley and Rohan Sakhardande for looking after us!
Words By Louk Pics By Dave Kent, Mattia Bonaretti & Khris Cowley