Page 52 - The Letter By Ann Newhouse
P. 52

No sign of Rex I observed as I went about opening up the bar. As the clock struck twelve we finished our morning coffee and still no Rex. Penny didn’t seem to mind and if she did she didn’t mention his late appearance.
Suddenly Rex appeared in the bar like magic, ‘Good morning ladies’, he called cheerily.
‘Late night?’ I asked annoyed at how blasé he was but quickly smiling to cover up as I realised it was really none of my business. I went about my chores.
Standing in front of the fridge I named the contents aloud, ‘chicken, carrots, peas. I’ll make soup for the bar lunch today I think’, I was talking to no one in particular, but Rex had wandered in and was making himself a late breakfast of tea and toast. He didn’t react. I wanted this day to end. I felt tired and a little out of sorts, why I do not know.
Late that afternoon I asked Penny if I could leave early. We have done twelve covers and had enough food left for our four B&B guests if they should want something when they returned.
‘Are you feeling ok?’
‘I think I’m coming down with a cold’, I lied.
‘You go, it will be quiet from now until the evening and I’ll ask Jenny to come in early’.
‘Thanks Penny, I’ll call you tomorrow’.
Rex was chatting to a group of local lads, so I left without saying goodbye.
‘Can you come and take over the bar?’ Penny called over to Rex as I was leaving ‘Amber has to leave early’, Penny began clearing glasses from the tables, ‘I’ll call Jenny in early’.
I closed the door behind me and headed home.

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