Page 9 - January 2017 Newsletter
P. 9

News from Our Distinguished Daughters

                                      By Dorothy G. Kapenstein

Linda Mill (June 1981) is the                      and $4.5M in restitution and
                                     manager of    recoveries. Linda’s work was
                                     the Old Pine  recognized in September 2016 when
                                     Street        she was awarded with the inaugural
                                     Church        Barbara J. McGinity Service to
                                     Saturday for  Seniors Award at the National Adult
                                     Seniors       Protective Services Association
                                     (SFS)         conference in Philadelphia.

Program. Since 1978, this program                  Linda returned to banking last year
has provided a free meal to 50                     as the Director of Account Servicing
Philadelphia senior citizens 48 weeks              for Ally Bank. Linda is still fighting
a year plus Christmas Day. The                     for elder justice through the
program was created to fill the gap                prevention program she created at
on the weekends when the city senior               Ally and continues to serve on the
centers are closed. Not only do the                taskforce she co-founded with the
seniors get a free hot meal at noon;               Philadelphia Corporation for Aging.
the program also fills the gap of
loneliness many seniors face.                      Sally Wendkos Olds (June 1951)
Starting this year, GHS students are               has been continuing to write articles
volunteering in support of the                     and getting them published here and
program. Thanks to the connection                  there. The last article she wrote
between Linda (225) and church                     for The Pennsylvania Gazette, "March
member and current GHS senior                      on the North Shore Suburbs: A White
Emma Graff (261), the SFS program                  Civil-Rights Activist Looks
satisfies the student service                      Back," appeared in the December
requirement and the seniors love                   2015 issue. It was about the 50th
interacting with the young women                   anniversary of a fair housing effort
each week.                                         she was very active with in the
                                                   Chicago area. Her major activity this
Linda’s love for seniors also extends
to her work preventing elder abuse.                                          past year has been
Linda created a model bank training                                          chairing the First
and prevention program in 2003 that                                          Amendment
received national acclaim. She also                                          Committee of the
co-founded the Philadelphia Financial                                        American Society of
Exploitation Prevention Taskforce in                                         Journalists and
2010. After 25 years in banking, she                                         Authors, the
took a 5-year career detour to work                                          national
as a Certified Fraud Examiner,                                               organization of
helping social workers and law                                               independent
enforcement investigate and                                                  writers. The
prosecute financial exploitation                   committee was founded during her
throughout Pennsylvania. The                       tenure as president of the Society in
cooperative program between Temple                 1981. She continues to be a member
University and the PA Department of                of committee.
Aging led to dozens of arrests, 15
successful prosecutions,
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