Page 4 - December 2016 Newsletter
P. 4

viewing, the students asked more                    Bailey-Williams Honor Society
question about the time of the war,                 Induction assembly on October 25,
how they were treated, and the                      2016. A total of 158 students were
lasting effects of their work. The                  honored: 58 from 10th grade, 43
girls were, as usual, very respectful,              from 11th grade, and 57 from 12th
inquisitive, and highly interested. The             grade. The guest speaker was Mrs.
session lasted until approximately                  Jurate Krokys, Assistant
4:00 pm. Mrs. Michini, Mrs. Baker,                  Superintendent of the Autonomous
Mrs. Renz, and Ms. Hahn were                        Region of the School District of
present.                                            Philadelphia (aka Regional
                                                    Superintendent). Parents of the
Mrs. Catherine Michini, Faculty                     honorees and guests attended the
Sponsor, presided over the 39th                     ceremony.

News from Our Alumnae

                By Dorothy G. Kapenstein

Dorothy G. Kapenstein (January                      and has served as a Cultural
1946) has gathered a garland of                     Ambassador to China. After
great news about a group of Girls’                  graduating from Penn, she lived
High grads. They have gained                        abroad in several places for some
success in many areas. Dorothy                      years. Gayle described her career(s)
interviewed them by email and,                      in an email: "I spent a year after
wherever possible, their stories are                earning my MA from Girton College
told in their own words. Dorothy had                at Cambridge University working in
so much fun putting this together                   France on a French government
that she is thinking about doing it                 assistantship: I taught English in a
again!                                              French lycee in Lille, and continued to
                                                    study at the University of Lille. When
Gayle Feldman (June 1969) has                       I returned to England, I worked in
played an amazing number of roles in                publicity and then as an editor in
                                                    book publishing in London, then went
                                     the literary   on an exchange organized by the
                                     world. She     British Publishers Association and the
                                     is or has      Publishing Administration in China
                                     been an        and was based in Beijing and
                                     author,        Shanghai. After that, I came to New
                                     editor,        York, where I have been for 30
                                     journalist,    years. Here I became a journalist,
                                     book           and was on the staff of Publishers
                                     reviewer,      Weekly for many years. I went
                                     and            freelance and continued to contribute
                                     consultant.    to Publishers Weekly and wrote for
                                     She is fluent  The New York Times, The Nation, and
                                     in French
                                     and Chinese
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