Page 3 - ODJFS Human Trafficking Response Summary 2017-2018
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 Utah’s Trafficking in Persons (UTIP) Task Force Executive Board and Co-Chair of the UTIP Medical Subcommittee.
Content- In the interest of expanding identification, referral, and medical MDT partnerships we sought the expertise of Dr. Corey Rood. This session highlighted the pivotal role that medical facilities and professionals can play as points of first contact and referral - with 85% of all trafficked youth having healthcare interactions. Additionally, key medical indicators were provided that may be used to assist medical professionals across a continuum of specialties to identify potential trafficking. Strategic statewide initiatives and protocols were then presented based upon Dr. Rood’s work with the Colorado AG Office to create a standard system for medical identification and referral.
Human Trafficking: Foreign National Survivors - 6/18/18
Presenter- Michelle Hannan, MSW, LISW-S is the Director of Professional and Community Services for The Salvation Army Central Ohio. Ms. Hannan is responsible for The Army’s workforce development, basic needs, and anti-human trafficking services in Central Ohio.
In 2007, The Salvation Army was invited to serve as the Coalition Manager for the Central Ohio Rescue and Restore Coalition, a network of over 60 organizations working together to combat human trafficking. In this capacity, Ms. Hannan coordinates the Coalition’s efforts in the areas of emergency response and social services for trafficked persons, public awareness, social services, legislation and law enforcement. Ms. Hannan has lectured extensively on human trafficking. She is a member of The Salvation Army’s National Anti-Trafficking Council and the Ohio Attorney General Human Trafficking Study Commission, serving as Chair of the Victims Services and Safe Locations Committee.
Content- Much of the work in Ohio focuses upon sex trafficking of predominantly domestic minors. This session focuses on labor trafficking of youth, often those with undocumented status. In particular this presentation provides insights regarding means of control via threats of serious harm, including reputational harm. Further guidance is provided regarding how to engage and provide services to youth exploited via involuntary servitude, debt bondage, etc. Case examples were then discussed to ground theoretical concepts in practice. The session concluded by looking at approaches which have shown promise in addressing labor trafficking in Ohio. Among these were identification of interpretation partners/multi-lingual materials, word-of-mouth engagement, medical provider training, ESOL classes, outreach at cultural events, and medical mobile coaches. All of these in combination can begin to address some of the fundamental boundaries that inhibit linkage to services.
Psycho-educational Curriculum for Specific Response Populations:
Ending the Game Facilitator Training- In addition to elevating advanced practice concepts and initiatives, the ONtarget series also provided training in ETG (Ending the Game) to CAC mental health providers. ETG is a survivor-developed, psycho-educational curriculum that aims to reduce risk of re-trafficking among youth and has shown promising responses among youth that have been trafficked. This curriculum can be used concurrently with trauma-informed therapies to better address both complex traumatic features resultant from trafficking while simultaneously reducing shame, stigma and risk of re- trafficking.
Presenter- Rachel Thomas, is graduate of UCLA with a Masters in Education and a personal survivor of human trafficking, Rachel Thomas has extensive experience teaching, training, curriculum writing, public speaking and mentoring. As Director of Sowers Education Group, she has educated and inspired a wide range of audiences including teens, social service providers, churches, teachers, college students, and law enforcement. Sowers’ intervention curriculum Ending The Game is being used by over 260 facilitators in 12 states and helps survivors break the bonds of attachment to traffickers and the trafficking lifestyle. Since 2012, Rachel has reached over 47,000 live audience members. Rachel was also honored by Congressman Ed Royce of California’s 39th district and Los Angeles Supervisor Don Knabe for her leadership and trafficking prevention efforts.

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