Page 48 - ONCAC - Community Assessment Report 2020
P. 48

 To what extent do remote youth in underserviced areas have access to CAC Services?
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Identify rural, suburban, urban areas - Defined in Demographic Overview Identify service rich areas vs. service poor areas.
See Figures 23-26
Drive time to services based on commuter average time for area. 20-25 minutes (ODOT)
• Measure quality along with accessibility.
– From initial indication, services may be limited in rural areas, however urban
areas are not exempt from access barriers
Are types/extent of services well matched to the communities we serve?
(Primary Data Collection)
Ultimately, this report relies on publicly available secondary data sets. By continued monitoring of these measures over time we will sharpen our understanding of the communities we serve and the role our CACs can play in healing families. That being said, if we really want to learn from our communities, it is recommended that we engage them in discussion and partnership at the ground level.
Recommendations for Future Measures
• Identify and engage overlooked populations.
(Primary Data Collection Discussed w/Cohort Partners)
• Measure rate of referral from given communities.
• Measure duration of child/family in service.
• Monitor outcomes measures to track effective engagement.

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