Page 5 - ONCAC - Community Assessment Report 2020
P. 5

The ONCAC Community Assessment Project seeks to answer the following questions/objectives in the coming years:
1. What populations are not being captured in the referral process or are otherwise under-referred?
• Define true access - who has it?
• What services are accessed?
• Are services culturally responsive - and if so, how?
2. To what extent do remote youth in underserviced areas have access to CAC Services?
• Identify rural, suburban, urban areas.
• Identify service rich areas vs. service poor areas.
• Drive time to services based on commuter average time for area.
• Measure quality along with accessibility.
3. How can we identify and engage overlooked populations?
• Measure rate of referral from given communities.
• Measure duration of child/family in service.
• Monitor outcomes measures to track effective engagement.
4. Are types/extent of services well-matched to the communities we serve?
5. How can we assess community contributing and protective factors?
6. What do communities with CACs look like compared to those without?

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