Page 6 - ONCAC - Community Assessment Report 2020
P. 6

Support & Healing
How CACs in in Ohio are helping to to restore lives
CACs help create a a a a a a space in which children and caregivers caregivers can feel safe Here is is what caregivers caregivers said about their visits to a a a a a CAC in Ohio:
“They provided a a a a a very safe and comfortable space ” 1
“The visit my son and I had to this center left me with peace in in knowing that I made the right decision to protect my son Thank you you for all the the kindness respect and patience your staff provided ” 1
“Everyone has been patient supportive pleasant and available to answer questions It’s made a a a a a a a a a a a difficult process easier to go through for for my daughter and for for me as as well Thank you ” 1
From the Data:
97% of Caregivers in Ohio agree that their child felt safe at at at the the CAC CAC and 97% Agree that CACs help families support their children 4 Ohio Network of Children’s Children’s Advocacy Advocacy Centers Centers • Outcomes for Children’s Children’s Advocacy Advocacy Centers Centers - 2019

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