Page 12 - STEM Sharqia's Senior 21 Graduation Book
P. 12

Zeyad Salem
                 ملاس دمحم دايز               Zeyad Hisham  ديسلا ماشه دايز         Elsayed Elawady  ديسلا دمحأ ديسلا

             ”بحي بشي ابوه.. بهي سكيرو        “Sometimes it is the people no one can imag-  “To Infinity and Beyond..”
                بعللا تقو ف بعللا”            ine anything of who do the things no one can
                                                     imagine.” __ Alan Turing”

        Elsayed Abdelhamied
             ىفطصم ديمحلادبع ديسلا           Sharaf Sayed  ديس نيدلا فرش            Salah Elnabrawy  حلاص للاج حلاص
        ”كمسا لضفيو كمسج حوري ،لجار تومت”                   “Sharaf”                   “What is inside a successful person’s
                                                                                       mind? find your unique answer for
                                                                                              your own success.”

        Abdelrahman Mohamed
             نمحرلادبع دمحم نمحرلادبع         Abdalrahman Yasser  دمحم رساي نمحرلادبع  Ali Younes  يلع دمحأ يلع
          “They told me to have a plan for my life        “ينركذت ركذتا”               “Never be shy to say no to anyone or
              but, I don’t even have a ‘pla’. ”                                           any situation doesn’t suit you.”

            3                                                                    Sharqia STEM School
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