Page 34 - Flipbook Coursebook 2021-2022
P. 34
Drama and Improvisational Theatre
Public Speaking 20S and 30S
Course code PUBSP20S and Prerequisite
This course will enhance students’ speech skills through perfor-
mance and as critical audience members modeling our diverse
society. A wide variety of readings, performance, and class work
will centre on the development and application of skills necessary
to speak and listen with a heightened awareness of audience.
Drama 20S
Course code DRAMA20S Prerequisite
Art Dramatiques 20S
FI course XDRA20S Prerequisite
This introductory fun and focused course introduces students to Introductory Improvisational Theatre 10S or 20S
a sampling of a variety of approaches to making drama/theatre Course code IMP10S/IMP20S Prerequisite
such as puppetry, mask and mime work, musical theatre, improv,
monologues, skits, children’s theatre, collective creations, as well This introductory class focuses on the basics of Improvisational
as the obvious foundational stage, voice, and character work. Stu- Theatre. Through games, role playing, and weekly performance,
dents learn the basics in a dynamic, active class. the students will learn to respond to challenges with initiative,
energy, and confidence. This class is for someone who wants to
Drama 30S learn the very complex, yet rewarding art form of improv, which
Course code DRAMA30S Prerequisite DRA20S includes more than comedy. Students will be placed on
or by audition performance teams with intermediate and advanced students.
This intermediate course continues to emphasize the dramatic
elements, but extends the experience with the history of theatre Intermediate Improvisational Theatre 30S
and the opportunity to audition and perform in a major Massey Course code IMP30S Prerequisite IMP20S
dramatic or comedic stage production. Students will also attend In this intermediate class, students will be trained further in cre-
professional matinée performance and tour Manitoba Theatre ative and divergent thinking skills, listening skills, team building
Centre. skills, as well as furthering performance skills: voice, physical stag-
ing and character work. Innovative in-class activities are designed
Drama 40S to help free the performer’s creativity and develop technical
Course code DRA40S Prerequisite DRA30S skills, speed, and higher-level thinking skills. Students will perform
or by audition weekly in Improv Survivor.
This advanced course aims to increase students’ artistic experi-
ence and development. At this level, emphasis is placed on Mas- Advanced Improvisational Theatre 40S
terpiece Theatre, from learning about major playwrights through- Course code IMP40S Prerequisite IMP30S
out history, to styles of production, to directing, to scene work This advanced class will train students further in divergent think-
and social drama. Students attend more than one professional ing skills, leadership, and team work. Students will also advance
stage performance in the evening. Students in this course also their performance skills by learning the different schools of
audition and perform in the major Massey dramatic or comedic thought in improv training. Students will be asked to serve as cap-
stage production, while also learning all that is involved in produc- tains and coaches for newer players, developing
ing a show. leadership skills as well as strong performance skills, performing
weekly in Improv Survivor.
32 ICVMC 2021-2022