Page 45 - Flipbook Coursebook 2021-2022
P. 45

     Japanese is an integrated 3-credit program designed for begin-  French: Communication & Culture 40S
     ners. The course centers on communication and cultural under-  Course code FCC40S   Prerequisite FCC30S
     standing acquired through classroom activities and independent   The aim of this advanced course is to further develop skills in
     study.                                                  comprehension, speaking, reading and writing in French. Stu-
     Japanese 20G                                            dents will use their language strategies to communicate their own
                                                             ideas and opinions. Students will continue to use verb tenses and
       Course code JPN20G        Prerequisite                moods appropriate to the context. They will speak French with a
     This entry level course uses the day-to-day life of Japan to help   certain sophistication, confidence, and independence. More chal-
     students acquire basic communication skills and cultural under-  lenging texts will be presented. This course will prepare students
     standing. Students will be able to write hiragana and katakana   for post-secondary studies and the skills needed for basic commu-
     scripts, as well as up to 20 kanji characters. Students learn to   nication in a French environment.
     communicate at a basic level in speaking, listening, reading and
     writing.                                               Spanish

     Japanese 30S                                           Level I Beginner Spanish 20F
       Course code JPN30S        Prerequisite JPN20G          Course code SPA(3Y)20F     Prerequisite
     Japanese 30S is a continuation of Japanese 20G. It focuses on  Espagnol pour débutants I 10F                                                                                                   LANGUAGES
     increasing the student’s ability to communicate. Cultural activities  FI course  XESP(4Y)10F  Prerequisite
     are incorporated into the course. Students will be introduced to   code
     100 kanji characters.                                  This beginner course is a prerequisite for the other Spanish
                                                            courses offered in Grades 10-12. Students will work on develop-
     Japanese 40S                                           ing proper pronunciation and intonation while using an appro-
       Course code   JPN40S      Prerequisite JPN30S        priate and practical vocabulary. Students will also be exposed to
     Japanese 40S is a continuation of the skills introduced in both Jap-  various Spanish cultures and communities around the world. The
     anese 20G and 30S. It is designed to increase the student’s aware-  XESP designated course will be taught in Spanish with French as
     ness of Japan and to provide increased skill in communication in   a supporting language. The SPA designated course will be taught
     Japanese.                                              using English as the supporting language.
                                                            Level II Beginner Spanish 30S
                                                                Course code  SPA(3Y)30S
     French (non Immersion)                                 Espagnol pour débutants II 20F  Prerequisite SPA(3Y)20F
     French: Communication & Culture 20F                       FI course code XESP(4Y)20F  Prerequisite XESP(4Y)10F
       Course code FCC20F        Prerequisite FCC10F        Level 2 Spanish/Espagnol II is a continuation of Level 1 Beginner
     Students will develop basic grammar skills, expand their vocabu-  Spanish/Espagnol and focuses on expanding student vocabulary
     lary and develop an appreciation of French culture. Students will   and the knowledge of language structure. Topics include daily
     speak French more independently (with some pauses, reformu-  routines, sports, food/restaurant, Spanish and Latin-American
     lations and self-corrections). A variety of classroom activities will   geography, culture and traditions. Grammar study focuses on
     be experienced in order to acquire the  necessary French skills.   the present, present progressive tenses and introduces the past
     Topics covered may include: first jobs, self-identity, world events   tense, object pronouns, reflexive verbs and expressions of obli-
     and urban legends.                                     gation and desire.

     French: Communication & Culture 30S
       Course code FCC30S        Prerequisite FCC20F         Level III Intermediate Spanish 40S
     In this intermediate course, students will build on the vocabu-  Course code SPA(3Y)40S  Prerequisite SPA(3Y)30S
     lary, grammar, and language learning strategies they have ac-  Espagnol intermédiaire 30S
     quired. Students will participate in increasingly complex, spon-  FI course  XESP(4Y)30S  Prerequisite XESP(4Y)20F
     taneous, and sustained conversations related to their personal   code
     lives, as well as to social and to global issues. Language and   This intermediate Spanish course develops language skills at
     cultural proficiency will continue to be developed through par-  a higher level, especially regarding oral comprehension and
     ticipation in a variety of activities. Topics may include: the Fran-  fluency. Topics include cultural exploration projects, the envi-
     cophone world, media, music, and relationships.         ronment, idiomatic expressions as well as an introduction to
                                                             Hispanic literature, music and cinema. Grammar study focuses
                                                             on using prepositions, correct syntax, the past, imperative and
                                                             future tenses.

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