Page 131 - 2022FittingsCatalog
P. 131
Note: Aluminum threads are particularly susceptible to galling (cold Merchant couplings are also know as wrought iron couplings, but
welding) during assembly. Galling occurs as a result of heat from are actually made from merchant steel according to ASTM A865.
friction and pressure during assembly. To minimize galling, use a The female threads are NPS straight tapped to 2" and taper tapped
Teflon based thread tape or sealant. in larger sizes. Standard couplings are black steel dipped in rust
preventative up to 2" and phosphate coated in larger sizes. Deep
chamfers allow for easy assembly. Half couplings are chamfered at
G0808A… ALUMINUM PIPE COUPLING one end only.
These pipe couplings are machined from 6061-T6 aluminum alloy.
Pipe Pipe Outside
Part No. Size Part No. Size Diameter Length
G0808A-025-025 1 ⁄4" G0808MC… MERCHANT COUPLINGS
G0808A-038-038 3 ⁄8"
G0808A-050-050 1 ⁄2" G0808MC-013 1 ⁄8" 0.563" 13 ⁄16"
G0808A-075-075 3 ⁄4" G0808MC-025 1 ⁄4" 0.719" 1 3 ⁄16"
G0808A-100-100 1" G0808MC-038 3 ⁄8" 0.875" 1 3 ⁄16"
G0808MC-050 1 ⁄2" 1.063" 1 9 ⁄16"
G0808A-125-125 1 ⁄4" G0808MC-075 3 ⁄4" 1.313" 1 5 ⁄8"
G0808A-150-150 1 ⁄2"
G0808A-200-200 2" G0808MC-100 1" 1.576" 2"
G0808A-250-250 2 ⁄2" G0808MC-125 1 1 ⁄4" 1.900" 2 1 ⁄16"
G0808A-300-300 3" G0808MC-150 1 1 ⁄2" 2.200" 2 1 ⁄16"
G0808MC-200 2" 2.750" 2 1 ⁄8"
G0808MC-250 2 1 ⁄2" 3.250" 3 1 ⁄8"
FORGED STEEL FITTINGS G0808MC-300 3" 4.000" 3 1 ⁄4"
Forged carbon steel fittings conform to ASME B16.11 and ASTM A G0808MC-400 4" 5.000" 3 1 ⁄2"
105 for chemical and mechanical properties. Dimensions are to ASME G0808MC-600 6" 7.390" 4"
B16.11 except 1/8” are larger than the ASME specification. For ratings
purposes, 3000 psi threaded fittings compare to Schedule 160 pipe.
The fittings shown here are all threaded 3000 psi series. Tees, elbows,
and shapes are available on special order, as are socket weld fittings G0008MC… MERCHANT HALF-COUPLNGS
and 6000 psi patterns.
G0008MC-025 1 ⁄4" 0.719" 17 ⁄32"
Pipe Outside G0008MC-038 3 ⁄8" 0.875" 17 ⁄32"
1 ⁄2"
22 ⁄32"
Part No. Size Diameter Length G0008MC-050 1.063"
G0008MC-075 3 ⁄4" 1.313" 3 ⁄4"
G0808XH… 3000 psi FORGED STEEL COUPLINGS G0008MC-100 1" 1.576" 15 ⁄16"
G0808XH-013 1 ⁄8" 0.750" 1 1 ⁄4" G0008MC-125 1 1 ⁄4" 1.900" 31 ⁄32"
G0808XH-025 1 ⁄4” 0.750” 1 3 ⁄8” G0008MC-150 1 1 ⁄2" 2.200" 31 ⁄32"
G0808XH-038 3 ⁄8” 0.875” 1 1 ⁄2” G0008MC-200 2" 2.750" 1"
G0808XH-050 1 ⁄2” 1.125” 1 7 ⁄8” G0008MC-300 3" 4.000" 1 9 ⁄16"
G0808XH-075 3 ⁄4” 1.375” 2” G0008MC-400 4" 5.000" 1 11 ⁄16"
G0808XH-100 1” 1.750” 2 3 ⁄8”
G0808XH-125 1 1 ⁄4” 2.250” 2 5 ⁄8”
G0808XH-150 1 1 ⁄2” 2.500” 3 1 ⁄8” Iron & Steel Pipe Fittings
G0808XH-200 2” 3.000” 3 3 ⁄8”
G0808XH-250 2 1 ⁄2” 3.625” 3 5 ⁄8”
G0808XH-300 3” 4.250” 4 1 ⁄4”
G0008XH-013 1 ⁄8” 0.750” 5 ⁄8”
G0008XH-025 1 ⁄4” 0.750” 9 ⁄16”
G0008XH-038 3 ⁄8” 0.875” 3 ⁄4”
G0008XH-050 1 ⁄2” 1.125” 15 ⁄16”
G0008XH-075 3 ⁄4” 1.375” 1”
G0008XH-100 1” 1.750” 1 3 ⁄16”
G0008XH-125 1 1 ⁄4” 2.250” 1 5 ⁄16”
G0008XH-150 1 1 ⁄2” 2.500” 1 9 ⁄16”
G0008XH-200 2” 3.000” 1 11 ⁄16”
G0008XH-300 3” 4.250” 2 1 ⁄8”
G0008XH-400 4” 5.500” 2 3 ⁄8”