Page 48 - 2022FittingsCatalog
P. 48

C200 SERIES HYDRAULIC                              C200VV SERIES HYDRAULIC
                        COUPLINGS                                             COUPLINGS
        C200 couplings are compliant with the ISO-7241-A standard and   C200VV Series thread-to-connect couplings allow users to connect
        are commonly found in industrial and agricultural applications.   under residual pressure and are commonly found on snow removal
        Couplings are machined from solid carbon steel and come standard   equipment as well as in agricultural and industrial applications.
        with buna-N (Nitrile) seals. These couplings allow for bidirectional   These couplings feature a zinc-plated carbon steel construction,
        flow, feature poppet style valves, and have Type 304 Stainless   allow for bidirectional flow, and come standard with buna-N
        Steel balls, retaining rings, and springs to provide maximum   (Nitrile) seals. The thread-to-connect design eliminates brinelling
        service life. Couplings are hardened and zinc-plated to provide   and common built-up pressure connection problems. C200VV
        heavy duty performance.                               Series couplings will connect with C200 couplings in  ⁄2" size.
        Temperature Range: -40°C (-40°F) to 105°C (221°F).    Temperature Range: -40°C (-40°F) to 105°C (221°F).
        Interchange: Snaptite 61, Hansen IA, Parker 6600, Faster ANV,   Interchange: Faster VV, DNP VV, Holmbury PLC.
        Aeroquip FD56 (5600), Holmbury IA.

     Quick Couplings

        Part      Body  Female  Working                       Part      Body  Female  Working
        Number    Size  NPTF   Pressure                       Number    Size  NPTF   Pressure
        C201… PLATED STEEL COUPLER                            C201VV… PLATED STEEL COUPLER
        C201-04-04  1 ⁄4"  1 ⁄4"  5800 psi                    C201VV-04  1 ⁄4"  1 ⁄4"  4350 psi
        C201-06-06  3 ⁄8"  3 ⁄8"  5075                        C201VV-06  3 ⁄8"  3 ⁄8"  4350
        C201-08-08  1 ⁄2"  1 ⁄2"  4640                        C201VV-08  1 ⁄2"  1 ⁄2"  4350
        C201-12-12  3 ⁄4"  3 ⁄4"  4350                        C201VV-12  3 ⁄4"  3 ⁄4"  4060
        C201-16-16  1"  1"     3625                           C201VV-16  1"   1"     3625
        C201-20-20  11 ⁄4 "  11 ⁄4 "  3625
                                                              C202VV… PLATED STEEL NIPPLE
                                                              C202VV-04  1 ⁄4"  1 ⁄4"  4350
        C202-04-04  1 ⁄4"  1 ⁄4"  5800                        C202VV-06  3 ⁄8"  3 ⁄8"  4350
        C202-06-06  3 ⁄8"  3 ⁄8"  5075                        C202VV-08  1 ⁄2"  1 ⁄2"  4350
        C202-08-08  1 ⁄2"  1 ⁄2"  4640                        C202VV-12  3 ⁄4"  3 ⁄4"  4060
        C202-12-12  3 ⁄4"  3 ⁄4"  4350                        C202VV-16  1"   1"     3625
        C202-16-16  1"  1"     3625
        C202-20-20  11 ⁄4 "  11 ⁄4 "  3625                    C208VV… DUST PLUG
        C208… DUST PLUG                                       C208VV-04  1 ⁄4"  Aluminum
                                                              C208VV-06  3 ⁄8"  Aluminum
                       Material                               C208VV-08  1 ⁄2"  Aluminum
                                                                        3 ⁄4"
        C208-04   1 ⁄4"  PVC                                  C208VV-12       Aluminum
        C208-06   3 ⁄8"  PVC                                  C208VV-16  1"   Aluminum
        C208-08   1 ⁄2"  PVC
        C208-12   3 ⁄4"  PVC                                  C209VV… DUST CAP
        C208-16   1"   PVC
                                                              C209VV-04  1 ⁄4"  Aluminum
                                                              C209VV-06  3 ⁄8”  Aluminum
        C209… DUST CAP                                        C209VV-08  1 ⁄2"  Aluminum
                                                              C209VV-12  3 ⁄4”  Aluminum
        C209-04   1 ⁄4"  PVC                                  C209VV-16  1"   Aluminum
        C209-06   3 ⁄8"  PVC
        C209-08   1 ⁄2"  PVC
        C209-12   3 ⁄4"  PVC
        C209-16   1"   PVC

        C201SK... SEAL KIT

                  Fits Body Size
        C201SK-04  1 ⁄4"
        C201SK-06  3 ⁄8"
        C201SK-08  1 ⁄2"
        C201SK-12  3 ⁄4"
        C201SK-16  1"

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