Page 99 - 2022FittingsCatalog
P. 99


             G7/G7M… CARBON STEEL GEAR CLAMP                       G8/G8M… ALL STAINLESS STEEL GEAR CLAMP
             Our Green Line G7 series clamps are popular in the automotive   Our Green Line G8 series clamps are completely stainless steel. The
             industry, and feature a stainless band and screw housing with a   G8M clamps have a  / " wide type 301 stainless band with a type
             plated carbon steel screw. G7M bands are  / " wide, and G7 bands   410 stainless screw. G8 clamps have a  / " wide, 300 series stain-
             are  / " wide. G7 clamps are not recommended for underground   less band and screw.
             applications or corrosive environments.
                    Nom.  Min.  Max.  Pkg                                 Nom.  Min.  Max.  Pkg
            Part No.  Size  Size  Size  Qty                       Part No.  Size  Size  Size  Qty
                                                                  G8M-04  1 ⁄4"  0.22"  0.63"  10
            G7M-04  1 ⁄4"  0.22"  0.63"  10                       G8M-05  5 ⁄16"  0.43"  0.71"  10
            G7M-06  3 ⁄8"  0.31"  0.88"  10                       G8M-06  3 ⁄8"  0.31"  0.88"  10
            G7M-08  1 ⁄2"  0.44"  1.00"  10                       G8M-08  1 ⁄2"  0.44"  1.00"  10
            G7M-12  3 ⁄4"  0.56"  1.25"  10                       G8M-10  5 ⁄8"  0.50"  1.06"  10
                                                                  G8M-12  3 ⁄4"  0.56"  1.25"  10
                                                                  G8M-16  1"    0.69"  1.50"  10
            G7… CARBON STEEL GEAR CLAMPS                          G8M-24  1 1 ⁄2"  1.31"  2.00"  10
                                                                          2 1 ⁄8"
                                                                  G8M-36  2 1 ⁄4"  2.06"  2.75"  10
            G7-06   3 ⁄8"  0.38"  0.88"  10
            G7-08   1 ⁄2"  0.44"  1.00"  10
            G7-10   5 ⁄8"  0.56"  1.06"  10                       G8… ALL STAINLESS STEEL GEAR CLAMP
            G7-12   3 ⁄4"  0.56"  1.25"  10
            G7-16   1"   0.69"  1.50"  10
                                                                  G8-06   3 ⁄8"  0.44"  0.88"  10
            G7-20   1 1 ⁄4"  0.75"  1.75"  10                     G8-08   1 ⁄2"  0.44"  1.00"  10
            G7-24   1 1 ⁄2"  1.06"  2.00"  10                     G8-10   5 ⁄8"  0.56"  1.06"  10
            G7-28   1 3 ⁄4"  1.31"  2.25"  10                     G8-12   3 ⁄4"  0.56"  1.25"  10
            G7-32   2"   1.56"  2.50"  10                         G8-16   1"    0.69"  1.50"  10
            G7-36   2 1 ⁄4"  1.81"  2.75"  10
                                                                  G8-20   1 1 ⁄4"  0.75"  1.75"  10
            G7-40   2 1 ⁄2"  2.06"  3.00"  10                     G8-24   1 1 ⁄2"  1.06"  2.00"  10
            G7-44   2 3 ⁄4"  2.31"  3.25"  10                     G8-28   1 3 ⁄4"  1.31"  2.25"  10
            G7-48   3"   2.56"  3.50"  10                         G8-32   2"    1.56"  2.50"  10
            G7-52   3 1 ⁄4"  2.81"  3.75"  10                     G8-36   2 1 ⁄4"  1.81"  2.75"  10
            G7-56   3 1 ⁄2"  3.06"  4.00"  10
                                                                  G8-40   2 1 ⁄2"  2.06"  3.00"  10
            G7-60   3 3 ⁄4"  3.31"  4.25"  10                     G8-44   2 3 ⁄4"  2.31"  3.25"  10
            G7-64   4"   2.50"  4.50"  10                         G8-48   3"    2.56"  3.50"  10
            G7-72   4 1 ⁄2"  3.00"  5.00"  10                     G8-52   3 1 ⁄4"  2.81"  3.75"  10
            G7-80   5"   3.50"  5.50"  10                         G8-56   3 1 ⁄2"  3.06"  4.00"  10
            G7-84   5 1 ⁄4"  3.75"  5.75"  10
                                                                  G8-60   3 3 ⁄4"  3.31"  4.25"  10
            G7-88   5 1 ⁄2"  4.00"  6.00"  10                     G8-64   4"    2.50"  4.50"  10
            G7-96   6"   4.50"  6.50"  10                         G8-72   4 1 ⁄2"  3.00"  5.00"  10
            G7-104  6 1 ⁄2"  5.00"  7.00"  10                     G8-80   5"    3.50"  5.50"  10
            G7-116  7"   5.75"  7.75"  10                         G8-84   5 1 ⁄4"  3.75"  5.75"  10
            G7-128  8"   6.50"  8.50"  10
                                                                  G8-88   5 1 ⁄2"  4.00"  6.00"  10
            G7-152  9 1 ⁄2"  2.00"  10.00"  10                    G8-96   6"    4.50"  6.50"  10                      11
            G7-188  11 3 ⁄4" 10.25" 12.25"  10                    G8-104  6 1 ⁄2"  5.00"  7.00"  10
            G7-200  12 1 ⁄2" 11.00" 13.00"  10                    G8-116  7"    5.75"  7.75"  10
            G7-212  13 1 ⁄4" 11.75" 13.75"  10                    G8-128  8"    6.50"  8.50"  10
            G7-224  14"  12.50" 14.50"  10
                                                                  G8-152  9 1 ⁄2"  2.00"  10.00" 10
            G7-390  24 3 ⁄8" 22.88" 24.88"  10                    G8-164  10 1 ⁄4"  1.75"  10.75" 10
                                                                  G8-188  11 3 ⁄4"  2.25"  12.25" 10
                                                                  G8-200  12 1 ⁄2"  11.00"  13.00" 10
                                                                  G8-212  13 1 ⁄4"  11.75"  13.75" 10                  Clamps & Ferrules
                                                                  G8-248  15 1 ⁄2"  14.06"  16.00" 10
                                                                  G8-270  16 7 ⁄8"  15.38"  17.38" 10
                                                                  G8-312  19 1 ⁄2"  18.00"  20.00" 10
                                                                  G8-390  24 3 ⁄8"  22.88"  24.88" 10
                                  Conveniently Boxed…

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