Page 13 - outs souvenir
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Standing strong for the last seventy-five (75) years as an educational institution denotes two
things: the ability of the institution to withstand challenges and constraints, and its commitment to
provide comparable education.
Congratulations University of Nueva Caceres as you celebrate your 75th Founding
Anniversary. No doubt, UNC has sustained its operations and raised the bar of its services for
the past seven and a half decades, as proven by its accredited programs, performance in licensure
exams, state-of-the-art facilities, competitive staff and students, and awards received.
You are truly blessed because despite the pandemic and all that you have been through, you
continue to be a “blessing” to the Bicolanos, as you “harvest” well-rounded professionals, most of
whom are now occupying notable positions in the public and private sector.
While we live in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world, I believe
that the University of Nueva Caceres will remain strong, steadfast and future-ready. On behalf of
the Commission on Higher Education Regional Office V, I express my warm felicitations to the
University for being resilient and progressive! Have a joyous Diamond Jubilee Anniversary, UNC!
Regional Director