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Exp.   Exp.           %age
             PROJECT           PB Item                                         Last   upto   during   Anticipate  Phy.
        SN            PH Y-o-S (PB,LB,D       Short Name of Work        Alloc.  Sanc              d TDC of                          REMARKS                     Status
                ID              RM)                                            Cost  March   2020-  Rly portion  progres
                                                                                       '20  2021           s of Rly
    64  2009-  LB-  Hazarat Nizamuddin-Construction of rest house  DF(3)  0  1852  0  31/08/2021 50  Work In Progress and this work is being executed by Northern   WIP
         1  4.52.004       2010  1304 for supervisors                                                            Railway. TDC 31/08/2021
    64  2009-  DB-  Railnilayam - Improvements to underground   DF(3)  2866  2089  0  31/05/2021 80  Contractor expired. Agreement Closure under Process.   PHC
         2  4.52.007       2010  720  drainage at compound.                                                      Contractors Legal heirs not cooperating for submission of
                                                                                                                 documents for Closure.  TDC - 31.05.2021.
    64  2010-  LB-  Hyderabad division - New Delhi - Construction of  DRF  0  1987  0  31/07/2021 50  Work in Progress. Work is being executed by Northern Railway.    PHC
         3  4.52.006       2011  1312 1 deluxe suite for GM                                                      TDC 31/07/2021
    64  2010-  LB-  New Delhi - -Provisin of one rest room in officers  DF(3)  3700  1750  0  30/06/2021 50  Work in Progress. This work is being executed by Northern   PHC
         4  4.52.008       2011  1315 rest house at NDLS for IRISET officers visiting                            Railway.  TDC 30/06/2021
                                     NDLS on duty
    64  2010-  LB-  New Delhi - Construction of 2 additional deluxe   DRF  8000  6926  0  31/03/2021 90  Work in Progress. This work is being executed by Northern   PHC
         5  4.52.009       2011  1316 suites at proposed ORH at Tilak Bridge for                                 Railway. TDC 31/03/2021
    64  2010-  DB-  Railnilayam - Face lifting of external surface with  DF(3)  2933  878  0  31/05/2021  Contractor expired. Agreement Closure under Process.   PHC
            4.52.012       2011  751  wall care putty of Rail Nilayam 'A' block for the                          Contractors Legal heirs not cooperating for submission of
         6                           left over portion                                                           documents such as Indemnity Bond from Family Members, No
                                                                                                                 Claim Certificate from Deceased Contractors wife. for Closure.
                                                                                                                 TDC - 31.05.2021.
    64  2016-  LB-  Nizamabad - Augmentation of  running room for  RRSK  4777  4122  0  30/06/2021 100  Work Completed. Combined with other works. TDC 30/06/2021  PHC
         7  3.52.001       2017  1097 loco pilots.
    64  2016-  -  Mahbubnagar~: Construction of New   DF(3)  2388  324  700  31/03/2021 98  Work Completed, Combined with Other Work, Will be deleted  by  PHC
         8  4.52.003       2017      SSE/Electrical Office                                                       31/03/2021.

    64  2017-  -  Hyderabad division - Provision of compound wall  DF(3)  1791  500  0  31/07/2021 100  Work Completed. FCC is under process. Combined with other   PHC
         9  4.52.001       2018      and fencing of for eco-park adjacent to IRISET.                             works TDC 31/07/2021
    64  2015-  LB-  Construction of class rooms on the2nd floor of   DF(3)  19157  0  10005  31/07/2021 70  Work in Progress.TDC 31/07/2021  PHC
         10  2.52.001      2016  1092 newly constructed building opposite e-learinig
    64  2018-  LB-  Provision of CCTV & WiFi in Railway hospital -  Cap.  9850  4379  0  31/05/2021 60  Work in progress.  TDC - 31.05.2021.  PHC
         11  6.52.001      2019  1099 Zonal Hospital/LGD
    64  2018- LB-1098 Hyderabad Division: Construction of Ward No.4  Cap.  11000  8069  1579  31/03/2021 88  Work nearing completion.   TDC 31/03/2021  PHC
         12  3.52.001      2019      S&F Department of Printing Press at
    64  2019- LB-1100 Hyderabad Division: Proposed Construction of   DRF  0  0  0  30/11/2021 0  Civil: Detailed Estimate returned from Finance due to shortage of  EST
            3.52.001       2020      Office Building for SSE/W/CKL at Chilkalguda                                Funds.TDC 30/11/2021

    64  2019- LB-1101 HYB Divn. 1. Improvements to Railway Institute  DF(2)  0  0  0  31/12/2021 0  Vetting of Detailed not done by Finance stating that there is   EST
         14  3.52.002      2020      at North Lalaguda & 2.  Central Hospital,                                   shortage of funds in the Current FY. S&T: Estimate under
                                     Lallaguda Improvements to old main medical                                  preparation. TDC 31/12/2021
    64  2020- LB-1130 Hyderabad division -  Umri -Construction of SSE  Cap.  9998  0  30/06/2022 0  Detailed Estimate Sanctioned. TDC 30/06/2022  TT
         15  3.52.001      2021      P.Way UMRI Office.
    64  2020- LB-1131 Nizamabad~~Hyderabad division -  Nizamabad -  Cap.  19942  0  30/06/2022 0  Detailed estimate Sanctioned. Tender to be called. TDC   TT
         16  3.52.002      2021      Construction of SSE(P.Way) NZB Office                                       30/06/2022
                                     including   &   Store & SSE(C&W) NZB Office.