Page 3 - PH-3100
P. 3
Exp. Exp. %age
PROJECT PB Item Last upto during Anticipate Phy.
SN PH Y-o-S (PB,LB,D Short Name of Work Alloc. Sanc d TDC of REMARKS Status
ID RM) Cost March 2020- Rly portion progres
'20 2021 s of Rly 31 2016- LB-383 SC- DHNE Section: Renewal of 52Kg glued RRSK 7414 1800 100 31/03/2021 70 FCC Under Process (Material booking to be Done) TDC - PHC
34 3.52.008 2017 joints between Secunderabad and Falaknuma 31.03.2021
stations (70 Nos) 31 2016- LB-384 SC- DHNE Section: Renewal of 52Kg glued RRSK 7414 7183 0 31/03/2021 95 Work Completed. FCC Under Process. TDC - 31.03.2021 PHC
35 3.52.009 2017 joints between Falaknuma and Jadcherla
stations (70 Nos) 31 2017- LB-372 SC-DHNE Section: CTR(P) for a length of 1.40 RRSK 23057 560 13243 30/04/2021 90 CTR(P)Work Completed. FCC Under Process (Material Booking PHC
36 3.52.001 2018 Km From Km 75 to Km 76.4 between BABR and for Rails to be done) TDC - 30.04.2021
GLY stations 31 2017- LB-373 SC-DHNE Section: CTR(P) for a length of 1.40 RRSK 24023 310 13605 30/04/2021 90 CTR Work Completed. FCC Under Process (Material Booking for PHC
37 3.52.002 2018 Km From Km 76.4 to Km 77.8 between BABR Rails to be done) TDC - 30.04.2021
and GLY stations 31 2017- LB-374 SC-DHNE Section: CTR(P) for a length of 1.40 RRSK 24039 318 13246 30/04/2021 90 Work Completed. FCC Under Process (Material Booking for Rails PHC
38 3.52.003 2018 Km From Km 77.8 to Km 79.2 between BABR to be done) TDC - 30.04.2021
and GLY stations 31 2017- LB-382 Secunderabad-Dhone : TTRR - 10 Sets in RRSK 24313 5820 789 31/03/2021 30 Work in Progress. TDC - 31.03.2021 PHC
39 3.52.004 2018 SSE(P) Kurnool Town section 31 2017- LB-380 SC-DHNE Section: TRR(P) for a length of 0.73 RRSK 24352 4990 1292 30/04/2021 85 Work Completed. FCC Under Process (Material Booking for Rails PHC
40 3.52.005 2018 Km on STPD Chord line and CTR(P) for 1 Km to be done) TDC - 30.04.2021
on DN Line between SC-FM stations 31 2017- LB-370 SC-DHNE Section: CTR(P) for a length of 1.20 RRSK 20297 5286 1173 30/04/2021 90 Work Completed. FCC Under Process(Material Booking for Rails PHC
41 3.52.006 2018 Km from Km 45.8 to Km 47 between TMX and to be done) TDC - 30.04.2021
SHNR stations 31 2017- LB-379 SC-DHNE Section: TRR(P) between km 181.400 RRSK 23115 7291 9626 30/04/2021 90 Work Completed. FCC Under Process (Material Booking for Rails PHC
42 3.52.007 2018 to 182.400 on Bridge No 398 and Km 240.800 to to be done) TDC - 30.04.2021
241.800 on Bridge No 442 31 2017- LB-375 SC-DHNE Section: CTR(P) for a length of 1.40 RRSK 24039 10932 1361 30/04/2021 90 Work Completed. FCC Under Process (Material Booking for Rails PHC
43 3.52.008 2018 Km From Km 90.6 to Km 92 between GLY and to be done) TDC - 30.04.2021
JCL stations 31 2017- LB-371 SC-DHNE Section: CTR(P) for a length of 1.40 RRSK 24039 12388 1361 30/04/2021 80 Work Completed. FCC Under Process (Material Booking for Rails PHC
44 3.52.009 2018 Km from Km 52.8 to Km 54.2 between TMX and to be done) TDC - 30.04.2021
SHNR stations