Page 4 - P S - Accounts
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6. DEMAND NO 16-Details of expenditure upto Feb‟21  (appx).

                                                                                                                         (Fig. in „Crs‟ of Rs)
                                                        RG                                               %
                                          Actuals       2020-21           Exp to       Exp. To      Utilisation
                     Plan Head
                                          2019-20                         end of        End of       of Funds
                                                                          Feb‟20       Feb‟21       over   RG
             16 Tfc.Facilities              2.6232         5.0576         2.5332        3.5737          71
             29 Road Safety wks.            2.6833         7.1226         1.9409        4.4684          63
               30 ROB/RUB                   22.2165       32.5665        17.4825       30.5588          94
               31 Track Renewals            43.3285       72.1624        37.2857       54.6328          76
               32 Bridge Works              0.3566         2.2001         0.3566        1.1268          51
               33 S&T Works                 1.8852         1.4130         4.4029        1.2266          87

               36 Oth.Elec.Wks &
             TRD                            4.6713         4.0739         4.0953        1.9401          48
               41 Mach.& Plant              1.0237         0.6903         1.0237        0.5942          86
                 42 Workshops               4.5968         4.4657         4.5968        3.1721          71
                 51 Staff Qtrs  &  Staff
             Amenities                      5.7990         5.6762         5.3968        4.0671          72
               53 Pass Amenities            24.0776       37.2357        23.3582       26.9259          72

             64 Other SP Wks.               2.8213         2.3419         2.8171        1.1561          49
               65 HRD                       2.3734         3.0796         2.3285        1.8665          61

                       Total:              118.4564       178.0855      107.6182      135.3091          76

                     7.  Bills Recoverable:

               An amount of Rs. 5.72   Crs  are outstanding   under Bills Recoverable to end of Feb‟21

                                                                                                                          ( „000s of Rs)
             Sl.   Particulars      O/B AS ON          ACCRETIONS           CLEARANCES             C/B AS ON
            No.                      1.04.2020.                                                    28.02.2021
                                   Item      Amt      Items      Amt        Items       Amt      Items     Amt

             1.                       77     17851         8       4032           8      4032       77     17851
             2.                      371     52330        88     39083          189     52037      270     39376
             3.       Total          448     70181        96      43115         197     56069      347     57227

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