Page 4 - P S - DLS MLY
P. 4

b)    DEMUs:

                   Sl.                    No. of     Type of
                   No       Service       Rakes       Locos                 Sections covered
                                                                 Works over
                                                                 a)  HYB, SC, NED, GTL & GNT
                          Passenger/               1400/1600
                    1                       14                       divisions of S.C. Rly
                          Sub-Urban                 HP DEMU
                                                                 b)  UBL & SBC divisions of SWR&
                                                                 c)  SUR division of CR

                 7.  Staff Position:

                         Category                  Safety             Non Safety              Total
                                              San    Act    Vac                       San  Act       Vac
                     DSL Supervisors          53      54     -1                         6     6       0
                        Technicians          258     251      7       Ministerial      19     12      07
                          Helpers             76      44     32         Peons           3     2       1
                   Inspector (SLI & JLI)      2        1      1      SSE/Drawing       01     01      --
                        Points man            4        3      1          Total          29    21      08
                           Total            393      353     40    Note:  C&W  Supervisors/KCG  –  02
                          Others              29      21     08    posted @ DLS/MLY for issuing BPC
                                                                   and  under  gear  maintenance  of
                       Grand Total          422      374     48

                 8.  Performance:

                                                                       Till Feb            % Improvement
                 S.      Parameter      Achieved  Target for                 2021
                No.                      2019-20      20-21     Actual                    Over     Over Last
                                                                19-20  Target  Actual    Target       year
                 1.   Asset Failures        50         36       44      33      13        +60.6      +70.45

                      DEMU        DPC      9.74        11.8     10.0    11.8    7.15     +39.41      +28.15
                      Ineffective   TC     3.48        5.5      3.51    5.5     4.80     +12.72      -36.75

                 3.                          -          -       -       0.67    -           -           -
                      Punctuality loss

                 9.  INFRASTRUCTURE:

                      08 Loco/DEMU Capacity Schedules Bays with EOT Cranes.
                      06 Locos/DEMU CapacitySchedules Bays with EOT Cranes.
                      02 Pit lines of 08DEMU Coach Capacity.
                      04 Under truck Pit lines of 02 Loco/DEMU Capacity for Major Repairs with EOT
                      01 Coach length Pit with covered shed for SPART/SPMRV maintenance
                      Loco/DEMU Turn table.
                      HSD oil installation of 200 KL capacity RCD operated by M/S BPCL
                      Bulk Lube oil installation of 100 KL capacity
                      Effluent Treatment Plant of 5000 Ltrs/Hour capacity.
                      Incinerator of 50 kg/Hour Capacity.

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