P. 1


               1.  Division Profile:

                   The  sanctioned  strength  and  operated  strength  of  HYB  division  of  all  departments
                   (excluding Accounts & Security) as on 01.10.2021 are as under:
                          Group            Sanctioned Strength             Operated Strength
                         Group”A”                    31                             36
                         Group”B”                    31                             26
                         Group”C”                                                 5826

                           Total                   7071                           5888

            2. Dept. wise Sanction, Actual, Vacancy & Excess Position as on 01.10.2021:

                    S.No  Department               Sanc.    Act.        Vac.      Excess

                    1       ADMINISTRATION           51         49          2              0
                    2       CIVIL ENGG.             2612       2051       561              0
                    3       MECHANICAL              1397       1247       150              0
                    4       OPERATING                983       811        172              0
                    5       COMMERCIAL               455       362         93              0
                    6       SIG & TELE               436       378         58              0
                    7       ELECTRICAL               767       663        104              0
                    0       MEDICAL                  145       125         20              0
                    9       PERSONNEL                82         72         10              0
                    10      SCHOOLS                  81         68         13              0
                            GRAND TOTAL             7009    5826        1183               0
                                                                                            Net Vacancies:  1183

               3.  Manpower Planning:

            Efforts are being made to achieve the targets fixed by the Hqrs.  The details for the last
             3 years are as under:

                               Year              Target       Surrendered          Percentage
                            2018-2019               72              72                  100%
                                2019-2020             72            72                  100%

                                2020-2021             72           153                 100%
                                2021-2022             71            21                 30%(Upto

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