P. 3

            7.  Revision of Pension Cases:  Consequent on implementation of 7  Pay Commision from
            01.01.2016, Revision of Pre-2016 cases on HYB Divn.  are as under:

            Total Cases         No. of Revision      PPOs Generated  No.of
            identified          cases completed                            cases              Remarks

                 10337                 10337                10337                 0                   0

            7.  Vacancy position in Safety Categories: as on 01.10.2021 & Action Plan

            Sl.       Category           S       A      V      E                      Remarks

            1    Loco Pilots            562    521     41      0    1.PLP- 77 vacancies  – 69 employees
                                                                    placed in Panel and on completion of
                                                                    mandatory training  will be promoted. At
                                                                    present waiting for training slots from
                                                                    2.ALP excess operation against higher
                                                                    grade  vacancies.

            2    Loco Pilot              34     18     16      0    It has been decided  to fill up the
                 (Shunters)                                         vacancies only after filling up the
                                                                    vacancies in Loco Pilots category.
            3    Loco Supervisors/       38      35     3      0    Notification issued on 08.01.2021 with last
                 CCC/CC/CPCOR/-                                     date 07.02.2021, 16 applications received.
                 PCOR Inspectors                                    Under process for verification and to
                                                                    adhjudge the suitability.
                 Total:                 634    574     60      0


            4    Guards                 267    226     55     14    1.  Notification issued for 7 vacancies of
                                                                    GG/LDCE. WT is on 30.09.2021
                                                                    2.  Indent placed for 16 vacancies on
                                                                    3.  Assessment approved for 34
                                                                    vacancies. O O issued for 10 employees,
                                                                    for remaining 24 vacancies  there are no
                                                                    eligible employees to promote in the
                                                                    feeder category.
                                                                    4.  Assessment approved for 30 vacancies
                                                                    in the
                                                                         category of Sr.GG.  O.O issued for 14
                                                                    employees, further no  eligible employees
                                                                    with 2
                                                                         years residency period.

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