Page 2 - P S - Electrical TRD
P. 2
Date of
Electrified Sections RKM TKM Main Route
SC-FM 16.021 40.740 SC - DHONE 14.02.2004
SC- STPD - MJF – 11.617 15.973 SC - MUE 10.10.2010
MJF-BMO 12.690 31.683 SC – MUE 14.03.2018
BMO-MED 14.950 34.439 SC - MUE 08.07.2019
MED- MOB 13.080 15.968 SC - MUE 07.10.2020
TOTAL 68.358 138.803
RE Works In Progress :
Sl. No Jurisdiction RKM TKM Remarks
1. FM - UR 13.695 32.897 RE Work under progress by
2. UR - MBNR 75.5 189.750 RVNL.
3. MOB - MUE 227 281.0
4. NZB - Jagityal 93.0 103.0
5. JKM - BDHN 20.0 25.0 100% RE work executing by
6. MOB - KPHI 151.0 170.0 CORE/ALD & Construction/SC.
7. MBNR - DHNE 181.0 225.0
8. DKC - KSN 70.0 70.0
9. GWD-RC 60.0 56.2
Total 891.195 1152.847
2 new TSS @ Manoharabad & @Timmapur : work under progress by M/s. RVNL.
III. Staff position [TRD] as on 28.02.2021
The total strength of Supervisory and Artisan staff involved in maintenance of TRD
assets (i.e, KCG/Depot) and manning of “Traction Power control” of Hyderabad
division is as under.
TKM Sanctions Act Men Men/ Pending
/TKM TKM Proposals
Act. Sanc.
Reqd. As per Reqd. As As
yard stick per IR on
(0.70) Avg. date
Metropolitan (0.38)
138.8 96 47 22 35 0.25 0.16 96-35 = 61
FA has concurred for creation of 46 additional posts for UR-MED section. Division
has replied that no matching funds available & requested to create posts at HQ‟s level.
New proposal is under process for UR-MBNR section to create 58 Posts.