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4. Ticket Checking:
Fortress Checks: 07 Checks were conducted upto Sept-21, 1,165 cases were
detected and realized a revenue of Rs. 6.35 Lakhs.
Special Checks: 78 Checks were conducted upto Sept-21, 7,885 cases were
detected and realized revenue of Rs. 43.79 Lakhs.
5. Business Development Units:
Webinars: Four webinars were conducted by Sr.DCM, DCM & ACM on the issues
related to parcel working, updating general rules/procedures and marketing efforts.
Meetings: Five meeting were conducted by Sr.DCM/HYB with Section Commercial
Inspectors and Goods & Parcel In-charges on enhancement of Revenue from
various heads & Improving Marketing efforts by field level BDUs
Field Visits: Sr.DCM & Sr.DOM attended meeting at NZB Chaired by Hon’ble MP
Shri. Dharmapuri Arvind to promote turmeric movement by Kisan Rail.
6. DRUCC Meeting:
65 DRUCC Meeting was conducted virtually for the first time on 15 July with
newly formed committee of 24 nominated members. 22 members attended the
meeting and discussed about various development activities being done over the
7. Visits of Passenger Service Committee and Passenger Amenities Committee:
Passenger Service Committee (PSC): The Committee headed by Shri.
Ramesh Chandra Ratn, Hon’ble Chairman along with other members inspected
KCG station on 1 Sept -21 and reviewed various aspects of passenger services
available at station.
Passenger Amenities Committee (PAC): The Committee headed by Shri. P K
Kirshnadas, Hon’ble Chairman along with other members inspected KCG station
on 25 Sept -21 and reviewed various aspects of passenger amenities available
at station.
8. CSR Activity:
Four Pet Bottle Shredder provided by M/s NTPC Ltd were installed at KCG
Twenty Five wheel chairs provided by M/s Lions Club, Hyderabad for the use at
stations over the division.
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