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I .Performance of Scrap disposal

                Year             Sale Target          Actual        Disposed Qty in            Value
                                    in Crs.      Arisings In  MT           MT            achieved.  in Crs.
                2018-2019             14              4019                4101                 11.00
                                                   + 1 Wagon           + 1 Wagon
                                                  +13 Coaches         +13 Coaches
                2019-20               11              3051          2899 +3  Coache             9.29
                                                  +3 Coaches           + 1 Wagon
                                                   +1  Wagon          +1 DSL Loco
                                                 +3  DSL Locos
                2020-21               9            1929 +2 DSL        2189 +4 DSL               9.61
                                                      Locos               Locos
                                                  +4 Coaches          +3 Coaches
                2021-22               10               621                 566                  4.76
                Upto                             + 26  Coaches        +15 Coaches
                30.09.2021                          + 25 Qrtrs         + 25 Qrtrs
                                                   (268 Units)          (268 Units)
                                                   +1 Building         +1 Building
                                                  +1RCC O.H           +1RCC O.H
                                                   Water Tank          Water Tank

               II .Non Stock Goods Procurement: (IREPS &GeM Goods )

                  Year                      GEM  GOODS                   IREPS GOODS              TOTAL
                                      No of POs  Value in Crs.   No of POs  Value in Crs.          In Crs

                   2018-19                206           1.41            364           5.39          6.80

                   2019-20                214           2.23            225           4.97          7.20

                   2020-21                370           2.32            202           3.03          5.35

                   2021-22                210           2.35            118           4.67          7.02

               III . Services through GeM

                   Year                       No. of Contracts                    Value in Crs.
                   2020-21                            21                              3.44
                   2021-22                            36                             12.98
                   Upto 30.09.2021

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