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Exp. Exp. %age
PROJECT PB Item Last upto during Anticipate Phy.
SN PH Y-o-S (PB,LB,D Short Name of Work Alloc. Sanc d TDC of REMARKS Status
ID RM) Cost March 2020- Rly portion progres
'20 2021 s of Rly 51 2019- - Hyderabad Division: North Lallaguda: DRF 4972 0 0 31/12/2021 20 Work in progress. TDC 31/12/2021
4.52.001 2020 Improvements to Toilets, Replacements of
Damaged Doors/ Windows in merged quarters
40 Nos. 51 2019- - HYB DIVN: Railnilayam:~Improvements for DF(2) 3938 0 0 31/07/2021 10 Work in progress. False Ceiling Completed, Wall Paneling work is PHC
4.52.002 2020 facilities for conducting staff and pensioners in progress. Flooring work is pending as Conference Table work is
2 grievances adalats not yet Started by PCPO office. TDC 31/07/2021 (Subjected to
completion of Conference table by PCPO Office) 51 2009- DB- WW/LGD- Provision of GLR and connected DF(2) 1983 695 0 31/03/2021 Work completed. Final Bill under process. Combined Agreement PHC
3 4.52.065 2010 407 pipelines in colony at Alugaddabavi with other works. TDC 31/03/2021 51 2018- - Malkajgiri - Construction RPF Post. Cap. 6628 0 0 31/07/2021 11 Work in Progress. TDC - 31.07.2021 PHC
4 4.52.001 2019 51 2018- - Kacheguda:-provision of 1.5 lakh liters capacity Cap. 3031 0 0 31/07/2021 75 Work in Progress. TDC 31/07/2021 PHC
5 4.52.002 2019 GLR with pumping arrangements of Railway
colony. 51 2018- - SSE/WW/HYB - Replacement of Pipeline DRF 5000 0 0 31/03/2021 40 Work in Progress. Funds to a tune of 35 Lakhs are required in PHC
4.52.003 2019 connections of M/S quarters 26 units viz., 1001- DRF. TDC 31/03/2021
1019, 1024, 1204 - 1208 & Vidya vihar School
area etc., 51 2018- - Hyderabad Division:-Procurement of Office DF(2) 2983 0 0 30/06/2021 0 New Indent is being Processed.. TDC 31/06/2021 PHC
7 4.52.004 2019 Furniture(seating arrangement) for staff of PCE's
office. 51 2011- LB-726 Mahbubnagar : Construction of Type III - 6 units, Cap. 16731 9983 5716 31/03/2021 90 Work Nearing Completion. TDC 31/03/2021. PHC
8 2.52.001 2012 Type II - 4 units and Shadnagar Gang quarters,
Type II - 8 units. 51 2016- PB-673 Hyderabad Division - Type-II - 21 units (9 Cap. 32249 26639 3131 31/05/2021 90 Work in Progress. TDC 31/05/2021. PHC
9 1.52.001 2017 stations) & type-III - 5 units (4 stations) 51 2011- PB-681 Secunderabad Area - Augmentation of water DF(2) 45247 41297 0 31/07/2021 94 Initial Contract Terminated. Construction main GLR works PHC
1.52.001 2012 supply by taking separate water supply completed. Miscellaneous pipe line connections from GLR to Main
connection for residential area Line are pending. Re-Tendering (for 90Lakhs) done. LOA issued
on 1.12.2020 Work is in Progress.Funds Not Available. Funds to
the tune of 60 lakhs are required for for the current financial year.
TDC 31.07.2021 51 2016- PB-687 Chilakalaguda - Construction of one new RCC DF(2) 54282 37240 1383 30/06/2021 90 Work in Progress. Rs. 190 lakhs Funds required in DF-2 for PHC
11 1.52.001 2017 over head tank of 5 lakhs litres capacity completion of the works. TDC 30/06/2021
including GLR. 51 2017- LB-721 HYB divn - Hqrs. area - Chilakalaguda colony - Cap. 24063 993 21600 31/03/2021 90 Work in Progress, Funds to the tune of 15 lakhs are required for PHC
12 2.52.001 2018 Replacement of corroded pipelines. for the current financial year. TDC 31/03/2021 51 2017- LB-724 HYB divin. Chilakalaguda colony - Replacement DRF 17222 3281 3410 31/07/2021 35 Work in Progress. Rs. 103 Lakhs are required in DRF. TDC PHC
13 2.52.002 2018 of old under ground drainage and sewer lines. 31/07/2021. 51 2018- LB-723 Creation of Mobile App for Medical Department Cap. 8766 0 31/07/2021 65 Work in progress. TDC 31/07/2021 PHC
14 6.52.001 2019 applicable to all over Indian Railways for PAN
India purpose 51 2012- LB-729 Mahabubnagar , Kurnooltown and Wanaparthy - Cap. 8945 2279 2000 31/03/2021 90 Work in Progress. TDC 31/03/2021. PHC
15 3.52.002 2013 Construction of type III quarters 2 units at each
station for S & T staff.