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Exp.   Exp.           %age
             PROJECT           PB Item                                         Last   upto   during   Anticipate  Phy.
        SN            PH Y-o-S (PB,LB,D       Short Name of Work        Alloc.  Sanc              d TDC of                          REMARKS                     Status
                ID              RM)                                            Cost  March   2020-  Rly portion  progres
                                                                                       '20  2021           s of Rly
    51  2015-  LB-727 Jadcherla - Construction type II   5 units quarters  Cap.  5022  978  3679  31/03/2021 95  Work Nearing Completion. FCC to be Drawn. TDC 31/03/2021.  PHC
         16  3.52.002      2016      for essential staff of engg. dept.
    51  2016-  LB-731 SC-DHNE -Section -  Proposed Construction of  Cap.  3838  108  2800  31/03/2021 90  Work is in finishing stage. Quarters at Itikyala completed and   PHC
         17  3.52.001      2017      Staff Quarter Ty-II -  2 Units each at  Itikyala and                        Wanaparthy Qrts are in finishing stage. TDC 31/03/2021.
                                     Wanaparthy Road. for S&T staff..
    51  2016-  LB-730 Proposed Construction of Staff Quarter Ty-II with  Cap.  7569  879  0  31/07/2021 30  Plumbing Work in progress at DAB . KEK and UPW works will not  PHC
         18  3.52.002      2017      8 Units -  KEK -2, DAB - 4 & UPW - 2 unit for                               be taken up due to shortage of funds. TDC-31.07.2021
                                     Engg. statff.
    51  2018-  LB-733 SC-MUE Sec: Prov. of Type II-12Nos for Engg   Cap.  19120  9382  1553  31/03/2021 80  finishing works in progress at KMC,NZB,UMRI. TDC 31/03/2021.  PHC
         19  3.52.001      2019      /Optg/Elec/S&T and other departments in
                                     ADEN/NZB Sec(UMRI,KMC&NZB).
    51  2020-  LB-758 HYB Div:SLGD: Proposed construction of Type  Cap.  23997  0  31/08/2021 0  Work is in progress. Portico Slab Completed, Roof Slab for main   WIP
            3.52.001       2021      VI quarter1unit  with open courtyard/                                       building is in progress. TDC 31/08/2021.
                                     landscaping, compound wall, outhouse,
                                     garages,approaches & other
    51  2020-  LB-759 Hyderabad Division: WW/SC: Improvements to  DF(2)  0  0  31/03/2023  Detailed Estimate Under Preparation TDC 31/03/2023  EST
            3.52.002       2021      corroded pipe lines and pipe lines system of M/s
                                     Quarters under the jurisdiction of ADEN/II/HYB.
    51  2018-  LB-734 Hyderabad division; Provision of facilities at   Cap.  13953  3755  3052  31/07/2021 70  Work in progress.Flooring work is pending as Conference Table   PHC
            3.52.001       2019      PCPO office for conducting staff greviences and                             work is not yet Started by PCPO office.  TDC 31/07/2021
                                     pension adalats.                                                            (Subjected to completion of Conference table by PCPO Office)
    51  2018-  LB-728 South Lallaguda Annxe Officers Club -   Cap.  9997  0  0  31/07/2021 10  Contract Awarded. Work not started by contractor due non   PHC
            3.52.002       2019      Construction of indoor Badminton court.                                     availability of funds. Funds to the tune of 60 lakhs are required for
                                                                                                                 for the current financial year. This work is kept under "Hold" TDC
    51  2018-  LB-722 Provision of special rooms 12 nos. (24 beds ) for  Cap.  9463  0  0  31/12/2021 0  Civil: Contract Awarded. Work not started due to funds not   WIP
         24  3.52.003      2019      Group C staff in existing Central Hospital -                                available. Funds to the tune of 60 lakhs are required for for the
                                     Lallaguda  .                                                                current financial year. TDC 31/12/2021.
    51  2018-  LB-725 Hyyderaba division - Construction of RCC HL   Cap.  24394  0  3715  31/12/2021 18  Work in Progress. Casting of ring beams for RCC tank is under   WIP
         25  3.52.004      2019      tank of 2.00 lakhs litres capacity in CH LGD,                               progress. Funds to the tune of 40 lakhs are required for for the
                                     South Lallaguda area.                                                       current financial year. TDC 31/12/2021.
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