Page 2 - National Police Peer Intervention Conference Brochure
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 What is EPIC?
At its core, EPIC is an officer survival program, a community safety program, and a job satisfaction program. It is officer-created, officer-led, and officer-driven. Through the lens of EPIC, the Department:
• Teaches peer intervention techniques designed to protect officers and civilians;
• Focuses on preventing mistakes and misconduct and on safeguarding officer
• Empowers all officers to intervene, regardless of rank; and
• Establishes protections for officers who do intervene.
Why a conference?
Last year’s inaugural peer intervention conference brought together more than 100 law enforcement professionals, academics, and other stakeholders to learn more about EPIC. Since then, NOPD continually has received requests from law enforcement agencies across the nation for train-the-trainer sessions and implementation advice. EPIC’s profile has been raised further by ongoing coverage in The New York Times, IACP’s Police Chief Magazine, The Washington Post, and PERF’s Subject to Debate.
This year’s conference will allow NOPD to:
• Share the principles and tactics of EPIC with a broader law enforcement audience;
• Provide updates on the expanded scope of EPIC;
• Discuss recent successes and challenges as EPIC continues to be implemented
• Enable other law enforcement agencies to share their experiences implementing
a peer intervention program; and
• Lay the groundwork for a nationwide network of law enforcement agencies
devoted to peer intervention for officer safety and wellness.
   1. | National Police Peer Intervention Executive Leadership and Training Conference

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