Page 28 - National Police Peer Intervention
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Michael Quinn
President, International Ethics & Leadership Training Bureau Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sergeant Quinn is a retired Minneapolis Police Sergeant and sole proprietor of Booksbyquinn. He has BA degree in Training and Human Development with an emphasis in criminal justice. Sergeant Quinn served from 1975 to 1999 with the Minneapolis Police Department in a variety of assignments that included uniformed patrol as an officer and Supervisor, investigations, plain clothes and undercover work and Internal Affairs. For 17 years Sergeant Quinn was member of the Emergency Response Unit (ERU), now known as the SWAT Team. Sergeant Quinn was also assigned to the joint FBI/Minneapolis SWAT Team. His last 4 years on the department were as the Supervisor of the Minneapolis Police Academy. He also served as Deputy Director of Minnesota Police Corps Program, Court Security Officer at the Minneapolis Federal Courthouse, and Special Deputy U.S. Marshal contract guard.
Arlinda Westbrook
Deputy Chief, PIB
New Orleans Police Department
In May 2010, Arlinda Westbrook became NOPD’s first civilian Deputy Superintendent of the Public Integrity Bureau, responsible for administrative and criminal investigations of alleged misconduct involving NOPD personnel. Arlinda brings to her position the experience of a senior attorney, having served as the City Attorney for New Orleans for more than 10 years. Prior to joining the City Attorney’s office, Arlinda served as a Deputy City Attorney and as the Continuity of Operations Plan Coordinator for the remote City Hall mobilization during emergency evacuations. Among her accomplishments as Deputy Superintendent, Arlinda created the NOPD’s first Force Investigation Team, revamped the Department’s Use of Force Review Board and Critical Incident Video Release Policy, and played a key role in developing NOPD’s EPIC program. Arlinda is an active member of the Louisiana Commission on Human Rights. She is a graduate of Howard University (BA) and Loyola University School of Law (JD).
27 | National Police Peer Intervention Executive Leadership and Training Conference

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