Page 5 - VR Arcade Conference Materials
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Virtual Reality and VR Arcade Patents
Virtual reality and virtual reality arcades are rapidly growing. As is the case with any field of technological innovation and emerging business models, patents are essential for companies operating in these spaces. Effective patent protection can prevent others from unlawfully copying your inventions and business models. Additionally, having a robust patent portfolio can deter others from asserting patents against you, lest you countersue using your portfolio. Having valuable patents can also facilitate fundraising and can lead to greater valuation upon exit.
These general principles are fairly well-known. What is a bit less know is the range of VR-related inventions that can be patentable. This paper addresses some of the things to consider when developing a VR-related patent portfolio.
Two of the key takeaways from this paper are: 1) it is critical to develop a comprehensive patent protection strategy, taking into account the many different aspects of VR technology and business models that can be patented; and 2) it is difficult to do this without working with an attorney who thoroughly understands VR technology and VR business models and who can proactively advise you on what aspects of your VR solution are potentially patentable.
Sheppard Mullin has one of the leading patent practices focused on VR, games, virtual worlds and other digital media/ interactive entertainment patents. A number of our attorneys are former patent examiners and have decades of experience with these technologies.
We offer, to qualified companies, customized presentations on developing comprehensive patent and other IP protection strategies. For information please contact James Gatto, who co-leads this team, at -1-