Page 6 - VR Arcade Conference Materials
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What Is Patentable
The scope of patentable subject matter in the US is quite broad. The only categories of things not patentable are laws of na- ture, natural phenomena, and abstract ideas. For the most part, if you can build it, you can patent it, assume it is new and not obvious. Despite many misconceptions, software-based inventions and business methods can also be patentable. A relatively recent Supreme Court case (Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, 573 U.S. (2014)) has arguably restricted the scope of some software-based patents. But many software patents continue to be granted. It is important to work with an attorney who can help you sort fact from fiction in this area.
VR Patents
With respect to VR, patentable subject matter can reside in hardware and/or software. Headsets, VR computer platforms and peripherals are all patentable subject matter. Many aspects of VR software can be patentable as well. This includes system level software, applications, games, tools for content creation and/or capture, player/viewer technology (hardware and soft- ware), user interface functionality, many aspects of presenting and/or facilitating user interactions with virtual reality content, VR arcade functionality, advertising and monetization techniques, among many other things.
VR Arcade Patents
With respect to VR arcades, patentable subject matter can reside in arcade games, arcade hardware, VR arcade control and management systems, VR arcade venue sensors layouts and sensor arrangements, structural configurations, safety features and much more.
Sample VR-related Patents
VR- related patents are not new. Various aspects of VR technology were patented over 50 years ago. These patents are long expired.
U.S. Patent 2,955,156, issued October 4, 1960 “Stereoscopic-television apparatus for individual use” disclosed independent- ly feeding right and left eyes with images taken by separate film or TV cameras equipped with wide angle lenses, so a truly three dimensional peripheral image is created.
Virtual Reality and VR Arcade Patents -2-

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