Page 10 - National Police Peer Intervention Executive Leadership and Training Conference
P. 10
Day 1 | Thursday, April 19th
9:00 am 9:30
9:50 9:55
10:55 11:10
12:15 12:15 pm
1:35 pm
2:35 2:50
3:50 4:40 7:00
Registration & Coffee/Breakfast (College of Law – Room 405) Welcome and Introduction to NOPD & EPIC
NOPD Superintendent, Michael Harrison
Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Keynote Address
Understanding Active & Passive Bystandership Dr. Ervin Staub
Panel Discussion
Principles of Active Bystandership/Peer Intervention
Introduction of Lunch Speaker
Superintendent Michael Harrison
Lunch Speaker and Panel Discussion
Progress of NOPD Reforms: The Environment For EPIC Change
Introduction by the Honorable Mitch Landrieu, Mayor of New Orleans, followed by a panel discussion with Superintendent Harrison, Michael Hecht, Mary Howell, Greg Rusovich, Ronald Coleman, and Tania Tetlow.
Applying Active Bystandership and Peer Intervention To Policing
Panel Discussion
NOPD EPIC Experiences and Lessons Learned
Day 1 Summation & Reaction
Dinner for conference speakers and attendees
9 | National Police Peer Intervention Executive Leadership and Training Conference