Page 138 - FasTest_Product-Guide_2020_4-13_flip
P. 138



           SnapMate OEM                                            MBE
           PN: SCP062H
                                                                   PN: SCM062W
          SPECIFICATIONS                                          SPECIFICATIONS
            Pressure Rating  Termination  Materials of Construction  Pressure Rating  Termination  Materials of Construction
              10 millitorr                                            10 millitorr
            (micron) vacuum   3/8 FNPT   Stainless Steel, Brass,    (micron) vacuum   3/8 FNPT  Stainless Steel, Brass,
            to 750 psi (51.7)                                       to 750 psi (51.7)
           z   Internal valve opens automatically upon connection and closes upon   z   Pressure interlocks prevent sleeve actuation under pressure
             disconnection and has internal actuation pin to open CoreMax valve
                                                                   z   High flow connection tool with no flow retriction.  Used to maximize
           z   Can be actuated under full pressure due to its mechanical   flow through the seat
             advantage design and used in both vacuum and pressure
             applications                                          z   Grips over the seat so it can be used with or without the CoreMax
           z   Grips behind threads to eliminate potential thread damage with
             matched flow through the CoreMax valve for efficient processing.  z   Easy sleeve action is ergonomic and eliminates repetative twisting
                                                                     and turning - Push to connect, pull to release
           z   Easy sleeve action is ergonomic and eliminates repetative twisting
             and turning - Push to connect, pull to release
         APPLICATION                                             APPLICATION
         Use at burst, evacuation, charge and rework stations for   Use at burst, leak test stations with or without CoreMax
         generalized processing. Use at every station to connect to   valve. Use at evacution station with CoreMax valve
         CoreMax valve.                                          installed.

           Core Valve Insertion Tool                               Installation Oiler
           PN: SCFT10                                              PN: SCL321

            Pressure Rating  Termination  Materials of Construction               Materials of Construction
              10 millitorr
            (micron) vacuum   3/8 FNPT   Stainless Steel, Brass,                      HDPE, Brass
            to 750 psi (51.7)
           z   Pressure interlocks prevent sleeve actuation under pressure  z   Custom nest to oil CoreMax core with overflow containment

           z   Grips over valve seat to allow for maximum evacuation through the   z   Reservoir has check valve to keep small amount of oil available for
             seat prior to inserting CoreMax core valve              lubrication

           z   Available load tool for easy core insertion into the tool.  Fastest PN:   z   Oil containment keeps contaminants away and minimizes oil
             SCFTL1010                                               exposure to atmosphere

           z   Easy sleeve action is ergonomic and eliminates repetative twisting   z   Pump to fill reservoir
             and turning - Push to connect, pull to release
         Use at evacuation stations to maximize flow for extreme   Use to oil the CoreMax valve core prior to insertion and
                                                                 torque into valve seat.
         volumes to achieve maximum throughput. Insertion of
         valve core prior to further processing.

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