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mode. In this mode of the mind we tend to get lost moderate depression and anxiety, and preventing
in ‘doing’ so we find ourselves constantly striving depressive relapse. Mindfulness-based cognitive
and struggling and ‘getting stu done’ instead of therapy (MBCT) was developed in the mid-nineties
really living. Most depressed people are in this by psychologists at the Universities of Oxford,
mode constantly fighting many battles in their Cambridge and Toronto to help stabilize patients’
minds. Medical science has put forward a number of moods during and after use of antidepressants.
treatments for depression in the form of types of MBCT seeks to teach people to disengage from the
antidepressants like SSRI’s Mao’s and TCA. Though deeply ingrained dysfunctional thoughts that are
people opt for the medical or rather chemical common with depression. About half of patients
treatments, the antidepressants are known to have relapse into depression - even if they continue
a lot of side e ects from dry mouth and headache taking the medication. One common reason for a
to suicidal tendencies. relapse is when a normal period of sadness turns
into obsessive brooding. MBCT tackles brooding
But what many people are not aware of is, the other and teaches people to be more compassionate to
option that is completely natural, non-invasive, has themselves and others. “The MBCT
no side e ects and is safe enough technique is simple, and revolves
for even pregnant women. It is around "mindfulness meditation.”
called mindfulness. Through Mindfulness is a In this, you sit with your eyes
mindfulness you can learn to turn type of cognitive closed and focus on your
your negative emotions into your breathing. Concentrating on the
greatest teachers and sources of therapy to treat rhythm of the breath helps
strength. Today it has been depression. produce a feeling of detachment.
practiced all over the world and The idea is that you come to realize
even corporates have inducted that thoughts come and go of their
this into their employee welfare
own accord, and that your conscious self is distinct
programs. Mindfulness is about living in the present from your thoughts. This realization is encouraged
by taking notice of what’s around us and the by gentle question-and-answer sessions modeled
feelings that are inside of us. It’s about being fully on those in cognitive therapy. MBCT in its current
present and removing the extra layer of thought format is a 8-weeks, group-based program with
that we normally attach to people, things, and mindfulness meditation, yoga, body awareness and
events. As ironic as it might sound, depressed mind daily homework, such as eating or doing household
is anything but mindful. A depressed mind is filled chores, with full attention to what one is doing,
with thoughts of guilt, remorse, or pain from events moment by moment.
that happened in the past. The mind even worries
about things we think will happen that never even The very act of practicing mindfulness can help
come to pass. One thought leads to another. The patients control their mind and the sad feeling they
have in there. Mindfulness doesn’t detach you from
person finds feeling bad about feeling bad and
reality, but it makes you focus that your thoughts
ends up spiraling into a pit of despair.
are in your control and that they should not control
Mindfulness is a type of cognitive therapy to treat you. MBCT's strengths is its lack of side e ects, and
depression. The research is strong for mindfulness’ that it can be used as an adjunct therapy. One
positive impact in certain areas of mental health, characteristic of depression is a habit of thinking
including stress reduction, emotion and attention negatively about experience, one's self or the
regulation, reduced rumination, for reducing mild to future. Mindfulness trains people to be more aware