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                and that is their failure. This can cause them         narcissist feels that, you have a more power image
                “narcissistic injury”. When someone questions the      than  them  and  you  are  more  popular  due  to  the
                abuse,  lies secrets or  the  silent  treatments they   qualities you possess, they will insult and demean
                subject their victims or supply to, it gets twisted    you to break your self-esteem and make you feel
                back on the real victim. It is a plain simple defense   worthless.  They  will try  to  take  back the control
                mechanism they use, without o ering any logical        they have on you, by acting to be your well-wisher
                explanation for their behavior (E.g.; “I have never    or friend or love interest. Because control is so
                said that”, “that is your imaginations”; “I have no    important to narcissists, they can abruptly lose their
                time or energy to answer your questions”; “why do      charm if destabilized or threatened. They get angry
                you have so much in your life”) These are signs of     when rejected, overreacting to small slights. Over
                guilt on the narcissist part that their secret has been   time, a narcissist will create an emotionally
                revealed. Expecting a narcissist to be like the rest of   hazardous work environment for the non-narcissist.
                us can make one go insane, because they have no        He   (or   she)   will  surround    himself   with
                remorse. They never apologize for any of the hurts     codependents If he is high enough up the
                they instill on people or the negative impact of their   organization, he will appoint them. If he can't
                actions. They are never sorry. they are very skilled at   appoint them, he will make life so di cult for those
                dodging and ducking personal questions. If you         who don't subscribe to his narcissistic abuse that
                press them, they will then slot you as “unsafe” and    they will leave. They will eventually end up
                will begin to avoid you and exclude you from their     surrounded    by    individuals  who    play   the
                life.  We come across narcissistic personalities in    pathological reciprocal role that his behavior
                various social settings Let’s look at a few            typically induces. Unfortunately, in the workplace
                narcissistic relationships;                            you can’t just write o  a person o . So the best
                                                                       thing to do is to go along with him or her.
                Narcissist at work
                                                                       Romantic relationship
                                                                       with a Narcissist

                                                                       The basic thing to know about all people who su er
                                                                       from Narcissistic Personality Disorder is that while

                                                                       they may have many gifts and talents—intelligence,
                                                                       wit, charm, business sense -- forming and
                                                                       maintaining intimate relationships is not one of
                                                                       them. Their relationships are usually very shallow
                                                                       no matter how much they profess to love you.
                Have you ever worked with a selfish, arrogant and       Relationship with a narcissist can be the most tragic
                manipulative person?  A person who wants to be in      part of one’s life. It is nothing but a whirlwind of
                control, center of attention and puts down other       abuse,   mind    twists,  blame,    criticism  and
                people.  You probably are or were working with a       disapproval. Many victims die from this version of
                narcissist  There  is  also the  success  oriented     love, or at the very least spend years, if not the rest
                narcissist. He/She will be your friend and keep you    of their lives, emotionally, mentally, financially,

                close to her as long as you are useful. Once you do    physically and spiritually crippled. Creating a love
                not have anything more to o er, and he/she has         relationship for the  narcissist is for two reasons.
                taken all they wanted from you, you are history. You   Firstly to secure narcissistic supply (attention), and
                are  no  longer desired  or  wanted. When  the         secondly to have an outlet  to  project  his  /  her

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