Page 8 - DRT 2020 November
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others. Podcast directing: The seen improvising in Dreamcatchers
Weirdness and Young Ben Franklin for Rep's twice yearly improv show, Multiple
Gen Z Media. As a playwright: What Personality Disorder and with Gary
Stays (with Jason Szamreta), Whatever Austin's the Classroom at the People's
Will Be, The Neighborhood (Book and Improv Theater in NYC.
Lyrics; Music by Joe Zawila), Brink of Julian Gordon is excited
Life (Book; Lyrics by Steve Harper; to return to improv with
Music by Oliver Lake) and Dreamcatcher after playing
Astonishment, How to be Old: A Chuck in the mainstage
Beginner’s Guide, and At Ninety-Three production, Psychodrama!
(Adaptations). Laura is a private Recently, he played
monologue coach and holds a BA from Macbeth on tour with
Yale University and an MFA from Sarah STNJ. He has performed
Lawrence College. Laura is a member of Shakespeare in Texas, NJ,
AEA, SAG-AFTRA and the Dramatists and Connecticut. He is also a pianist who
Guild. Love and thanks to Joe and has the pleasure of working with actors
Zachary. and musicians everywhere he goes!
Thank you to everyone at Dreamcatcher.
Noreen Farley has done a
number of shows as a Gail Lou is an acclaimed
member of Dreamcatcher’s performer, musical director
ensemble (most recently, and vocal coach. Gail has
she appeared as Bid in appeared in: Mama I Want
Dead and Buried) as well To Sing (Off-Broadway),
as improvisation. She has Doubt (regional
also appeared at Two River production, as Mrs.
Theatre, The Shakespeare Theatre of Muller), Crowns (regional
NJ, The Bickford, Alliance Rep, The production, as performer
Theater Project, What Exit?, and The and musical director) and Tommy
Women’s Theatre. (regional production, The Acid Queen) to
Lulu French first took name a few. Her vocal performances in
improv classes at Gotham the recording sector include Another Day
City Improv two decades - Bobby D’Ambrosio, Producer, and
ago and has been You’ve Got The Vibe on Dance Baby
improvising ever since. In Records. Her background vocal credits
addition to being a include R&B, Gospel, Jazz and Classical
graduate of GCI, she has genres. Gail Lou has been working as a
also studied improv under musical director throughout the tri-state
Amy Poehler, Matt Walsh, area for over 20 years. She has
and Matt Besser — original members of musically directed for companies such as
the Upright Citizens Brigade, Armando Crossroads Theater, Pied Piper Children’s
Diaz — founder of the Magnet Theater,
various Second City alumni such as Theater, Bronx Science High School,
Todd Stashwick (12 Monkeys), and Together in Dance, The Theater Project,
improv masters Michael Gellman, Dave The Garage Theater Group and others.
Razowsky, and Aretha Sills. She has In addition Ms. Lou has created several
appeared in numerous improv of her own pieces, including a one
performances in NYC improv theaters woman show titled Billie, about the
such as Gotham City Improv, the legendary artist Billie Holiday (co-written
Magnet Theater, and Upright Citizens by Michael Bias) and she wrote the book
Brigade. Lulu has been teaching improv and lyrics for an R&B musical titled Light
since 2000 and has had the privilege to and Sweet: An American Tea Opera
teach for organizations such as Gotham ( music composed by Shawn V. Lucas ).
City Improv, The Queens Theater in the Her children’s musical 7 Good Ways
Park, Arts Horizons, The Theater featured two original pieces that
Project, The South Orange Maplewood received highest honors in the John
Adult School, IN Studios, Beyond the Lennon Songwriting Competition, as well
Bell, and Dreamcatcher Rep in addition
to teaching corporate improv workshops as a Parent’s Choice Award. Gail Lou
for companies such as Pfizer, Novartis also spends much of her time as a top-
and AstraZeneca. She can currently be line writer for Dance, R&B and Gospel
songs for other artists.