Page 10 - DRT 2021 April
P. 10
The Language Archive, The Dave Maulbeck is an
Neighborhood, Blood: A Comedy and entertainment artist
many more. As a member of the based in New Jersey. He
ensemble she has also performed in the specializes in comedic
improv troupe The Flip Side, A Very acting, guerrilla film
Special Holiday Special, and the gala production, storytelling,
cabarets. Other shows in the area and home-brewed
animation. He has starred
include The Last Romance (Bickford); in several commercials, including the
100 Saints You Should Know and The Super Bowl Ad - Groundhog Day, for
Champagne Charlie Stakes (Alliance truTV, and as the Polish Polisher for
Rep); and Why Torture Is Wrong And Burger King. His film credits include,
Those Who Love Them, Road To Mecca, the evil Dr. Wily in Megaman, and the
and Three Tall Women (The Theater main character Doug in the short
Project). At What Exit? Noreen has comedy Key Party. He wrote, directed,
done The Lying Kind and two turns as and starred as Wuku in Channel 101’s
the villain in their Christmas pantos. The Tribe. In 2007 Dave co-founded
Other credits include regional theater, Chicken Scoop Productions where he
television commercials, print work, executive produced several spec pilots,
voiceovers and movies. music videos, and web series. More
recently he has been developing
Julian Gordon is excited animation projects with BEHIND the
to try his hand at improv BAG! Productions, Austin Basis'
with Dreamcatcher after company. Dave's comedic work includes
playing Chuck in the last sketch and improvisation, he has
mainstage production, played on two NYC house teams, Chet
Psychodrama! Recently, Watkins and Featherweight, and he has
he played Macbeth on written and performed sketch at The
tour with STNJ. He has Upright Citizens Brigade Theater, The
performed Shakespeare in Peoples Improv Theater, Magnet
Texas, NJ, and Connecticut. He is also a Theater and Gotham City Improv. Dave
pianist who has the pleasure of working is a company member and the director
with actors and musicians everywhere of improv at Dreamcatcher Rep. where
he goes! Thank you to everyone at his stage production of Expecting Isabel
Dreamcatcher. was rated in the top ten productions of
2006 by The Star-Ledger. Dave lives in
Shabazz Green is an Madison with his loving wife. When not
Alumnus of Kean acting, writing, or improvising Dave can
University with a B.A. in usually be found nerding out about
Theatre Education. New comic books, Sci-fi, or the Simpsons.
York Credits: Bars and
Measures (Urban Stages); Scott McGowan has
Philosophy for Gangsters been seen digitally with
(Beckett Theatre); The Flip Side (look for us
Intruder: The Musical on Facebook at
(Hudson Guild). Regional Credits: Dreamcatcher Repertory
Oklahoma (Denver Center for the Theatre). Check him out
Performing Arts); Topdog/Underdog, at Virginia Musical
Sister Act: The Musical (Lake Dillon Theatre in the web series
Theatre Company); Hands on a called VMT voices. Watch
Hardbody (Colorado Springs Fine Arts for Scott at the Monologues at Mondo
Center); To Kill a Mockingbird series in July, either digitally or live.
(Greenbrier Valley Theatre); The Ballad Clean house and freshly painted rooms
of Trayvon Martin (New Freedom are my specialty. Thanks to my kids
Theatre); Little Rock (Passage and husband for keeping me sane.
Theatre); Humbug (Premiere Stages).
Film: Romance in the Digital Age.
@shabazzgreen FEAR NOT!