Page 19 - DRT 2021 April
P. 19

Many THANKS to our 2020-21 Season Supporters

                       We couldn’t do it without you!
            Producer         Gina Delia and Jonathan Young   Marge Dukes
                                                      Annette and Terry Dwyer
    Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation     Friend          Tori and Chris Ekstrand
    New Jersey State Council on the   Paola Acosta    Noreen Farley
    Arts                     Patricia Amyx            Aurora Ferrero
    David Umbach             Beth Battinelli          Linda Fitzpatrick
    Wallerstein Foundation
                             Andres Lederman and Lourdes   Paul Goldman
            Benefactor       Blanco                   Alison Greenberg
                             Richard Byrnes           Daniel Bar and Jill Harris
    Janice and Frank Sovinee   Dr. Brian and Dr. Debora Clifford  Barbara Luby
    Union County Division of    Kenneth R. Cobb       Karen Lundry
    Cultural and Heritage Affairs    Ruth Darcy       Joanne McAneny
            Sustainer        Robert and Sharon Davis   Marta McDowell
                             Pilar Fiano              Connie McNamara
    Lisa and Rich Brown      Alisa Gallo              Shane Mullery
    Joe Zawila and Laura Ekstrand   Amy and Steve Goldman   Joan Murphy
    EJ Grassmann Trust       Virginia Johnston        Jaclyn Netis
    Neale and Harriett Trangucci   Cindy and Bill Kellogg   Bruce and Meara Nigro
    Union Foundation         Will and Mary Leland     Liza Ottesen
             Patron          Beth and Stow Lovejoy    Vanessa Parvin
                             Mark Makowski            Lori Petrozzello
    Kirke Bent               Avery Hart and Paul Mantell   Heather &  Larry Pistell
    Ginny and William Rapp   Peter and Ginny Maulbeck   Carlos Ponton
    Betsy True               John McEwen              Gloria Quann
             Builder         Stephen Mershon          Linda Reig
                             Beth Painter             Benjamin Robinson
    Jill and David Bernstein   John and Ann Parsekian   Andrea Rose
    Catherine Eckart         Roger and Lynn Rathburn   Ruth Ross
    Pamela Zave and Yolanda    Patricia Robinson      Jeff Schwartz
    Fundora                  Lynne Rogerson           Jeanne Seigle
    Diane and Vito Gallo     Caroline and Larry Roi   Joan Speare
    Melissa Gilliam          Joanne Collins and Richard   Douglas Stephens
    Investors Foundation     Schwarz                  Terri Sturtevant
    Jason Szamreta and Daniel   Catherine Smith       William Thar
    Weiss                    Karen Stallsmith         Susan Trangucci
    Roger and Jessie Vellekamp   Kathryn Tatlow       Anthony and Fern Treglia
            Supporter        Jim Traverso             Susan Wall
                             William and Barbara Von    Mary Jane Walsh
    Clark and Lynn Carmichael   Klemperer             Allen Weisse
    Tim Bee and Nancy Clements   Allen Weisse         Robin and Marc Wiener
    Cristina Gallo           Cindy Wilson             Chris Young
    Jeff Kaufman and Nancy                            Robert Young
    Gorman                              Fan
    Frank and Cathy Hawrusik   Yorleny Alfaro           We greatly appreciate
    Mr. and Mrs. James Landwehr   Polly Thomas and Fredric Bell   your generosity!
    Joyce and Vernon Post    Terri and David Benn
    Robert and Nora Radest   Judy Brewer
    Philip Ross              Barbara Bye                To donate or volunteer
    Lynne Schlesinger        Marta Carbone             please call 908-514-9654
    Terri Tauber and Kevin Ryan   Susan Coen                  or visit:
    Ron Wells                Millie and Jack Cooper
    Melanie and Scott Wilson
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