Page 8 - DRT 2020 September
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Lyrics; Music by Joe Zawila), Brink of worked in various capacities with the
Life (Book; Lyrics by Steve Harper; New Jersey State Council on the Arts,
Music by Oliver Lake) and New Jersey Repertory Theatre, and
Astonishment, How to be Old: A Premiere Stages and recently joined the
Beginner’s Guide, and At Ninety-Three Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
(Adaptations). Laura is a private committee of ArtPride NJ. Nationally,
monologue coach and holds a BA from Deonte has worked as a grant review
panelist and workshop facilitator with
Yale University and an MFA from Sarah
Lawrence College. Laura is a member of Alternate ROOTS in Atlanta, Georgia,
and has supported national conference
AEA, SAG-AFTRA and the Dramatists presentations for the Theatre
Guild. Love and thanks to Joe and Communications Group. He is slated to
Zachary. present at the 2020 Annual Convening
Noreen Farley has done for the Arts Administrators of Color
a number of shows as a Network. As a performer, DGQ has
member of performed on stages across the Tri-State
Dreamcatcher’s ensemble area including the Prudential Center,
(most recently, she Enlow Recital Hall, New Jersey
appeared as Bid in Dead Performing Arts Center, the Apollo
and Buried) as well as Theater, McCarter Theatre Center,
improvisation. She has Premiere Stages, Luna Stage Company's
also appeared at Two New Moon Festival, and NJ Rep. He
River Theatre, The Shakespeare Theatre holds a BA in Theatre from Kean
of NJ, The Bickford, Alliance Rep, The University and will be pursuing a
Theater Project, What Exit?, and The Master's degree in Arts Administration in
Women’s Theatre. the Fall of 2020.
Julian Gordon is excited Dave Maulbeck is an
to return to improv with entertainment artist based
Dreamcatcher after in New Jersey. He
playing Chuck in the specializes in comedic
mainstage production, acting, guerrilla film
Psychodrama! Recently, production, storytelling,
he played Macbeth on tour and home-brewed
with STNJ. He has animation. He has starred
performed Shakespeare in in several commercials,
Texas, NJ, and Connecticut. He is also a including the Super Bowl
pianist who has the pleasure of working Ad - Groundhog Day, for truTV, and as
with actors and musicians everywhere the Polish Polisher for Burger King. His
he goes! Thank you to everyone at film credits include, the evil Dr. Wily in
Dreamcatcher. Megaman, and the main character Doug
in the short comedy Key Party. He
Deonté Griffin-Quick is wrote, directed, and starred as Wuku in
an actor and arts Channel 101’s The Tribe. In 2007 Dave
administrator hailing from co-founded Chicken Scoop Productions
Linden, New Jersey. where he executive produced several
Deonté currently serves as spec pilots, music videos, and web
the Manager of Programs series. More recently he has been
and Services at the New developing animation projects with
Jersey Theatre Alliance. BEHIND the BAG! Productions, Austin
Deonté recently joined the team of Basis' company. Dave's comedic work
Unlock Creative, a social enterprise includes sketch and improvisation, he
whose mission is to nurture, grow, and has played on two NYC house teams,
sustain Black creative leadership in the Chet Watkins and Featherweight, and he
arts and culture nonprofit and has written and performed sketch at The
entertainment industry. In 2019, Upright Citizens Brigade Theater, The
Deonté developed and spearheaded the Peoples Improv Theater, Magnet Theater
New Jersey Arts and Culture and Gotham City Improv. Dave is a
Administrators of Color Network. Also company member and the director of
that year, Deonté was honored by the improv at Dreamcatcher Rep. where his
Union County Urban League of Young stage production of Expecting Isabel was
Professionals with the Outstanding rated in the top ten productions of 2006
Achievement in the Arts award. He has by The Star-Ledger. Dave lives in