Page 10 - DRT 2021 February
P. 10
of Trayvon Martin (New Freedom Scott McGowan has
Theatre); Little Rock (Passage been seen digitally with
Theatre); Humbug (Premiere Stages). The Flip Side (look for us
Film: Romance in the Digital on Facebook at
Age. @shabazzgreen Dreamcatcher Repertory FEAR NOT! Theatre). Check him out
at Virginia Musical
Gail Lou is an acclaimed Theatre in the web series
performer, musical called VMT voices. Watch
director and vocal coach. for Scott at the Monologues at Mondo
Gail has appeared in: series in July, either digitally or live.
Mama I Want To Sing Clean house and freshly painted rooms
(Off-Broadway), Doubt are my specialty. Thanks to my kids
(regional production, as and husband for keeping me sane.
Mrs. Muller), Crowns
(regional production, as Amy Hadam (Stage Manager) is
performer and musical director) and always so thrilled to be back with
Tommy (regional production, The Acid Dreamcatcher! This is her eighth
Queen) to name a few. Her vocal season and her credits begin with The
performances in the recording sector Language Archive and go all the way
include Another Day - Bobby through to last year's String Around My
D’Ambrosio, Producer, and You’ve Got Finger. Amy has also stage-managed
The Vibe on Dance Baby Records. Her Dreamcatcher's outreach productions of
background vocal credits include R&B, Astonishment, How to be Old: The
Gospel, Jazz and Classical genres. Gail Beginner's Guide and At 93. Amy is also
Lou has been working as a musical the Production Stage Manager for Cape
director throughout the tri-state area May Stage. Other credits include: Jekyll
for over 20 years. She has musically & Hyde and Spamalot at Surflight
directed for companies such as Theatre, A Piece of My Heart and Janey
Crossroads Theater, Pied Piper Miller's World Tour at Speranza Theatre
Children’s Theater, Bronx Science High Company, Miss Witherspoon and The
School, Together in Dance, The Theater Further Adventures of Hedda Gabler at
Project, The Garage Theater Group and The Theater Project, and Talking to
others. In addition Ms. Lou has created Westfield and At Liberty Hall at
several of her own pieces, including a Premiere Stages. Amy is a proud
one woman show titled Billie, about the member of Actors' Equity Association.
legendary artist Billie Holiday (co- Jeff Knapp (Sound Designer) is has
written by Michael Bias) and she wrote been associated with Dreamcatcher
the book and lyrics for an R&B musical since The Neighborhood, working on
titled Light and Sweet: An American most every mainstage production since.
Tea Opera ( music composed by Shawn Favorite Dreamcatcher designs include
V. Lucas ). Her children’s musical 7 The Other Place, 100 Years, The
Good Ways featured two original pieces Outgoing Tide, Shipwrecked, Dead and
that received highest honors in the Buried, and Every Brilliant Thing. Jeff is
John Lennon Songwriting Competition, also the resident sound designer for
as well as a Parent’s Choice Award. Gail Shadowland Stages in Ellenville NY.
Lou also spends much of her time as a He's worked at a bunch of small
theatres in the tri-state area and as far
top-line writer for Dance, R&B and south as Florida! Most recently, Jeff has
Gospel songs for other artists. designed multimedia and sound for