Page 6 - DRT 2022 July
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Who’s Who
Scott McGowan (Polar show: Ways To Be Happy by David Lee
Bears) is originally from White. Daria is particularly invigorated
Pennsylvania but has by stories centering on Black women.
lived in New Jersey and Want to create together? Shoot her an
has been a member of email at
Vivid Stage for 15 years. Training: BA, University of Pittsburgh.
While raising a family,
he has worked steadily Harriett Trangucci
garnering two NJ Tony (Accidentally Brave) is
Awards for Best Actor in a Musical delighted to be working
awarded by the Newark Star Ledger with these beautiful,
for Mack & Mabel and I Do!, I Do!. He talented souls again.
was awarded Best Supporting Actor in Harriett was last seen on
a Musical from the state of New the mainstage here
Hampshire in two separate years as October 2019 as Patricia
well, for the Engineer in Miss Saigon in Twirl. Favorite roles
and Juan Peron in Evita. Scott stage
managed the opening two productions include Zelda in The How And The Why,
of the current Vivid season and just Juliana in The Other Place, Pilot in
finished a run as an actor in Steve Grounded, Alice in Clever Little Lies,
Martin’s Meteor Shower at Centenary Karen, Muriel and Norma in Plaza Suite,
Stage. A proud member of Actors’ Mother in Distracted and Mable in
Equity Association where he spent Prides Crossing. Film credits: Punchline,
sixteen years on their governing body Long Shadows and Sudden Manhattan.
and was a Tony voter. Scott is also an Harriett trained at William Esper
extremely proud parent of Shaelyn and Studios and Indiana University. She is
Essa. Thanks to Rick and Mary who the wildly lucky mother of three and
share co-parenting duties. wife of one. Off stage Harriett is a CASA
Daria M. Sullivan Coordinator for children in foster care.
(Hopper) - she/her/hers Harriett is a member of the Actors'
- is a NJ/NYC based Equity Association.
actor (EMC), director, Emaline Williams (Bible
teaching artist, and Adventure Park) is an
writer. Theatre credits Ohio born but NJ based
include Be Here Now and Equity actor. She is
Continuing the thrilled to be making her
Conversation (Vivid Vivid Stage debut! Her
Stage) and Unveiling Liberty (Speranza theatrical credits include
Theatre Company). She recently NYC: Vampire Cowboys
voiced AMINATA and CUSTOMER for Theater Co (Alice in
Cocotazo Media’s audio fiction series, Slasherland, GEEK!) NJ: Centenary
Timestorm. Her episodes will be Stage Co (Meteor Shower, Turning, The
released in May (see: Sunshine Boys, Dracula, Hitler’s
Tasters), Shakespeare Theatre of New Directing Jersey (A Child’s Christmas in Wales),
credits include I Am The Gooseking by Vivid Stage (Ways to be Happy: a radio
Ben Firke (The Tank). Daria wrote a play), The Bickford Theatre
one act play (Somewhere in Between), (Accomplice), The Growing Stage (Tales
which was produced by playwright/ from the Garden) & Alliance Repertory
author Kathleen George at the (Bluff, Trying). Emaline holds a BFA in
University of Pittsburgh. Daria is a theater performance from Ohio
proud member of the NYC based film University.
collective, Burn It Down (BiD); she did
sound mixing and art direction for
previous BiD films and will be script ~ DIRECTORS ~
supervisor for their next film this
spring. She is also looking forward to Andrew Binger is an actor, director,
assistant directing Vivid Stage’s spring arts educator & administrator from
Newark, NJ where he serves as the