Page 13 - DRT 2024 april
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Bryan Clarendon (Technical Assistant) Passage Theater, Pushcart Players, The
is a graphic designer by trade with a Theater Project, 12 Miles West. New
soft spot for theatre. He's excited to York Theatre: Naked Angels, Ensemble
continue his work with the Vivid Stage Studio Theatre, and New Georges. Film:
family as a Production Associate for American Zombieland, Split Ends, High
Grief at High Tide! Bryan has always Art, I Shot Andy Warhol. Television:
been a wearer of many hats, Hack, Sex And The City, Law & Order,
experienced in everything from branding and The Guiding Light. As a director:
and motion design to printmaking, Grief at High Tide, Soft Animals, Twirl,
sculpture, and most recently theatre Dead and Buried, Every Brilliant Thing,
work. He received his BFA in graphic The How and the Why, Next Fall,
design from Maryland Institute College Distracted, The Pursuit Of Happiness,
of Art in Baltimore, MD. When he's not Melancholy Play, Pride’s Crossing and
designing, he's working as a theatre many others. Podcast directing: The
lighting electrician and production Weirdness and Young Ben Franklin for
associate for Vivid Stage as well as Gen Z Media. As a playwright: Losing My
other local NJ and NYC theatres. Some Religion, Life’s Work, What Stays (with
of Bryan's favorite productions from Jason Szamreta), Whatever Will Be, The
Vivid Stage have been Twirl, Life's Work Neighborhood (Book and Lyrics; Music
and The Absolute Brightness of Leonard by Joe Zawila), Brink of Life (Book;
Pelkey. He's excited for the opportunity Lyrics by Steve Harper; Music by Oliver
to create alongside fellow artists he's Lake) and Astonishment, How to be Old:
come to know and respect. Special A Beginner’s Guide, and At Ninety-Three
thanks to Zach and Laura for the chance (Adaptations). Laura is a private
to live out this stage crew kid's dream. monologue coach and holds a BA from
Daria Davidoff (Assistant Stage Yale University and an MFA from Sarah
Manager) (She/Her) Hailing originally Lawrence College. Laura is Chair of the
from Littleton, Colorado, Daria is very NJ Theatre Alliance Board of Trustees
excited for her first production with and a member of AEA, SAG-AFTRA and
Vivid Stage. She is a 2021 graduate the Dramatists Guild. Stephanie
from Hussian College In Studio out in Gallegos (Set Designer)
California. This is her first production Stephanie Gallegos (Set Designer) is
since moving to New Jersey a few the Technical Director for the Summit
months ago. Previous shows include, Public Schools and a graduate of
but are not limited to, An Irish California State University, Fullerton.
Christmas 2022 Tour (SM), CalTech’s Jeff Knapp (Sound Designer) has been
The Sunrise From the Moon (SM), A associated with Vivid Stage since The
Doll’s House (SM), and Carrie (SM). She Neighborhood, working on most every
is very excited for the opportunity to mainstage production since. Favorite
work with this amazing team and Vivid Stage designs include The Other
continue building her skill set. Place, 100 Years, The Outgoing Tide,
Laura Ekstrand (Prop/Costume Shipwrecked, Dead and Buried, and
Designer) is co-founder and artistic Every Brilliant Thing. Jeff is also the
director of Vivid Stage, formerly resident sound designer for Shadowland
Dreamcatcher Rep. She is an actor, Stages in Ellenville NY. He's worked at a
director, playwright and teacher who bunch of small theatres in the tri-state
has appeared on stages and screens for area and as far south as Florida! Most
over 30 years. As an actor: Laura recently, Jeff has designed multimedia
appeared at Vivid Stage in 101 and sound for Shotstakovich and The
Humiliating Stories, Water in My Hands, Black Monk. During the day, Jeff is
Be Here Now, The Lucky Ones, What owner of Jephens Technologies, a small
Stays; Sister Play and Motherhood Out IT managed service provider, focusing
Loud, among many others, and is a on non-profits and small businesses. He
member of the Flip Side improv comedy thanks his wife and kids for letting him
team. New Jersey Theatre: Bickford miss dinner while he's out making noise
Theatre, Centenary Stage, Luna Stage, and telling stories.